Pray to the lord...

"Prayer is not a preparation for the battle, prayer IS the battle." 

- Oswald Chambers

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Once you sign up, you will shortly begin receiving texts either once a week on Monday, or daily Monday - Friday at 9:38am (taken from Matt 9:38 - "therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest"). 

Note: We may also occasionally send out a time-sensitive prayer need separate from the regular prayer texts.  If you prefer to NOT receive these extra requests, please reply BASIC (after you are registered for the texts).

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Looking for previous prayer needs? Check our Prayer Archive

Week of March 10

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Pastor/Planter Daniel Estrada and El Buen Pastor.  Originally planted in Beaverton, Oregon, they started a new campus in Vancouver, Washington a few years ago.  They are now working to launch a third location in SE Portland.  Pray that God would raise up strong leaders and future planters as they seek to continue multiplying.  Pray for favor among the community, that hearts would be softened and ears would be open to hearing the Gospel.

    Pray also for Daniel's wife Mary, as she serves alongside him in the work of the Kingdom.

  • Please pray for Yalid Fuentes and Highland Baptist Church Español. Pray they would be salt and light to the Hispanic community of Redmond, Oregon and be able to effectively reach the lost with the Good News.  

    Pray also for Yalid's wife Melissa, and their kids Anna Grace, Seth, and twins Ayla & Yalid.

  • Pray for our Partners: Richard McKay, Lead Missions Pastor at Fielder Church in Arlington, Texas.  Pray also for Lead Pastor Jason Parades, Executive Pastors Jim Parks and Jared Yates, and all of the staff at Fielder as they strive to glorify God through all they do.  We are so grateful for the long-standing partnership of Fielder with the Northwest, and their vision to see God at work across the nation and around the world.  Pray that they would continue to listen to God's leading and follow hard after Him in all they do.

    Pray also for Richard's wife Glyn, and their 3 adorable children.

  • Pray for Planter Nelson Castro & Point of Encounter in Hillsboro, Oregon. Please pray for continued growth, that God would raise up leaders and future church planters from within, and that he would give Nelson wisdom and guidance to lead the church well.

    Pray for Nelson's wife Elena as she serves alongside him in ministry.

  • Pray for our team!

    Please pray for Region 3 (Portland/Vancouver) Church Planting Catalyst Wes Hughes. Wes is a gifted encourager and connector/collaborator, with a passion for soul care. Pray for him as he strives to encourage his planters and their families, as well as striving to discover new planters and partners.

    Pray for his wife Charlean, and their grown kids Abby, Zac, & Cody.