Week of March 3

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Randy Adams as he officially hands the Executive Director role off to Lance Caddel and wraps up  his time at the NWBC.  We are so thankful for his many years of faithful service and his passion, leadership & commitment to the NWBC churches and staff.  Pray for him and Paula as they transition into a new season of life. 

    Thank you Randy, we are so grateful for all you have done for us! God bless!

    Pray also for Lance as he steps into his new role this week.  Pray he would have wisdom, vision, and strength to lead us forward into the future.

  • Pray for Pastor/Planter Freddy Joklur Jr. and West Plains Marshallese Church in Medical Lake, WA.  Pastor Freddy actually is pastoring Valleypoint Marshallese Church, while planting in Medical Lake and also serving as the English worship pastor at Valleypoint Church.  Pray that God will bless and multiply his time and resources, so he can effectively minister and not become weary.  Pray for God to raise up and strengthen leaders to work alongside him with both congregations.  Pray that they would be able to connect with many of the Marshallese people and for open doors to share the Gospel. Pray also for his wife Terry, as she serves alongside Freddy.

  • Pray for Planter Frank & Vicky Wood and Twin Rivers Community Church in Crooked River Ranch, Oregon.  Twin River has been growing rapidly and is looking for partnering churches to help them continue to grow and reach Crooked River Ranch. They are also looking for potential partners as they are in the early stages of planting another church in the nearby community of Culver.

  • Pray for Planter Carlos Rivera and Thousand Hills Church in Merrill, Oregon.  Pray that God would root and establish them firmly, that He would raise up strong disciples that make disciples. Pray for opportunities for this church to be a light to their community, and for hearts to be open to the Good News.

    Pray also for Carlos' wife Ellie, and their three kids: Levi, Judah, and Eden. 

  • Pray for Daniel Englehart and The Mountain Church in Federal Way, WA.

    Please pray specifically for The Mountain Church as they continue to grow after their merger with The Pointe (formerly First Baptist Federal Way), that the merged congregations would work together to become one, and that they might together to bring light to their community.

    Please also be praying for Daniel's wife, Stephanie, and their three adorable girls: Addisyn, Avery and Ana.

Week of February 24

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Please pray for the NWBC Special Meeting being held tonight to vote on the NWBC Executive Board's recommendation of Lance Caddel (currently NWBC Director of Evangelism & Church Health ) as our next Executive Director-Treasurer.

    Pray for our convention staff and churches as we transition from Randy Adam's leadership (thank you so much Randy!) to our new leadership. Pray for Lance and his vision for the future of our convention.

  • Pray for Planter Fayze Hanna and Vancouver Arabic Healing Church in Vancouver, WA. Fayze and his wife, Eman El Said, originally from Egypt, are reaching Arab speakers in the Vancouver/Portland area. Pray for them, their children, and their church as they seek to minister to families, meeting both tangible and spiritual needs. Pray for open hearts to the Gospel. Pray for growth and unity among their members. Pray that they might be a catalyst for other Arabic churches to be planted in the Northwest.

    Please pray for healing for Eman as she continues to battle breast cancer.

  • Pray for Planter Rich Hutchins and Stilly Valley Church with campuses in Stanwood and Arlington, WA. Please pray for strength and encouragement as they minister in their communities, that the work they are doing will lead to Gospel conversations and changed hearts.

    Please pray for God to raise up leaders to serve alongside Rich and his family. Pray for Rich as he works bi-vocationally, that he would manage his time effectively.

    Pray for his wife Jill, as she labors alongside him, as well as for their children: Clara, Natalee, Trey, Uriah, and Sadie.

  • Pray for Ryan Paterson and A Church Family Network (CFN).  CFN is a multiplying network of churches in Vancouver/Portland and beyond.  Pray for them to be successful in multiplying churches, cohorts and gospel teams.  Ryan is a co-vocational planter, so pray for opportunities for him to bring the Gospel to the workplace as well as to his community.

    Pray for Ryan's family - wife Rebecca, and kids Ashlyn, Caleb, Eli, Addy and Cora.

  • Pray for Ricardo Barber & One H.O.P.E. Fellowship in Portland, OR.  Pray for their outreach ministry Urban Wings Aviation and Aerospace Leadership Club.  Pray that God would continue to open doors for Gospel conversations, and that many hearts would be changed.  Pray for Ricardo and his leadership, that they might be unified and strengthened as they lead and serve the body.

    Please also pray for Ricardo's wife Menya, and their kids Taylor, Hope, Faith, and Tytus.

Week of February 17

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Planter Sam Mhlanga and Bread of Life International Fellowship in Kent and Tacoma, Washington.  Pray for their congregations as they minister in both of their community, especially to African immigrants (Sam and his wife, Judith, are originally from Zimbabwe).  Pray for open doors as they share the Gospel with those they encounter. 

    Pray also for Sam's wife Judith, and their children Blessing, Shalom, Prosper, Emmanuel, and Joseph.

  • Pray for Planter Roy Swihart & Cowboy Church Bow, in Bow, WA.  Pray for continued favor in their community and beyond as they minister to those in need, as well as sharing the Good News of the Gospel.

    Pray for Roy's wife Amy and their children as they work tirelessly to serve and grow His Kingdom!

  • Please pray for Joosung Kim and Love Tree Church in Issaquah, WA.  Pray they would have many opportunities to reach those in their community with the Gospel.  Pray for open hearts and eyes to see where God is moving.

    Pray also for Joosung's wife Ellen and their four children as they minister alongside Pastor Kim.

  • Pray for Planter Jonathan Lee and Connections Church in Federal Way, WA.  Connections Church is working to reach the multi-cultural population (over 100 languages are spoken at home in the community) with the Good News.  Pray for strong leaders to be raised up from within and without to walk along side Jonathan and his wife Jessica as they labor in love over reaching the lost, caring for the body, and connecting in the community.  Pray also for their boys, Micah, Timothy, and Josiah.

  • Pray for Rob Walker, NWBC  Region 4 Church Planting / Church Health & Evangelism Catalyst.  Pray his time would be fruitful as he meets with pastors and planters across Southern Oregon to encourage, support, and strategize.  Pray for more planters and partners to be drawn to this region, and for many to come to faith in Christ as a result of these efforts. 

    Pray especially for workers along the Oregon Coast, where over half of our churches are either pastorless, in a rePlant status, or both.

    Pray for Rob's wife Kristen as she supports him in this work behind the scenes.

Week of February 10

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Planter Steven (Yu) Sun and Living Water Chinese Baptist Church in Federal Way, WA.  Pray for Pastor Sun and his leadership as they reach Mandarin speakers in the region.  Pray the church would grow strong and that many would come to saving faith.

    Pray also for Steven's wife, Li Lin, and their children Charity & Joseph.

  • Pray for Planter Raoul Crisologo and Marysville Christian Fellowship in Marysville, Washington.  Pray that God would raise up leaders to be trained and sent out.  Pray He would give them favor in their community, and that many would hear the Gospel and respond.

    Please pray specifically for the Crisologos' daughter-in-law Cris (son Fritz & daughter Elisha) in the Philippines as she continues to battle health issues. Pray for healing, and for God to provide the resources for the healthcare costs.

  • Please pray for catalytic Planter Jimmy Cruz as he plants Hispanic churches in Pasco, Yakima, and Pullman, WA.  Pray for him as he develops leaders and as they reach out to their communities with the Gospel.  Ask the Lord for open hearts and that Jimmy would be wise with his time and energy. Pray for the Hispanic Biblical Institute in Pasco, that it would flourish and produce strong, godly leaders for future church plants.  Praise God for all he is doing in Eastern Washington!

    Pray also for Jimmy's wife, Marie, and his sons Jose & Roger.

  • Pray for Planter Ivan Shepel and Bellevue Bible Church in Bellevue, Washington as they labor to reach Russian-speakers on the Eastside.  Pray Bellevue Bible would have favor and influence as they minister to their neighborhoods.  Pray hearts would be open to the Gospel, and that many would accept Jesus.  Pray for wisdom for Pastor Shepel and his leadership as they minister to the Slavic people in the NW during this continued time of war in their home countries.

    Pray also for Ivan's wife, Galina and their grown children.

  • Pray for our partners: Gateway Seminary - Pacific NW Campus, led by Director Mark Bradley.  Gateway Seminary has trained hundreds of Northwest Pastors and Planters over the years.  Pray for Director Bradley and his team as they teach and invest in our current and future leaders.

Week of February 3

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for planter Donghyeok Kim and First Love Church of Seattle in Issaquah, Washington.  Pray for Pastor Kim as he strives to share the Gospel with the Korean population on the Eastside.  

    Pray for his wife Sunmi, his daughter Youri  and son Eunyou as they work alongside Pastor Kim to reach the Koreans on the Eastside.

  • Pray for Planter Dustin Payne and Go Church PDX, being planted in Portland, Oregon.  Pray for Dustin, his wife Dawn, and their kids Lyra, Auron, and Senai as they develop small groups across the city that will then be gathered into a larger weekly gathering.  Pray specifically that God would draw leaders to the area and to this new plant to join the Payne's in planting Go Church PDX.  Pray for patience and endurance as planting in the Northwest is a slow, slow process.  Pray even now that God would bring into Dustin's path those with hearts sensitive to the Gospel, and that he would have boldness to share the truth in love, resulting in changed lives!

  • Pray for the groundwork to continue to be laid in preparation of a church plant (or multiple plants) that are military/veteran focused or friendly within the next year.  Pray that the right lead planter would be identified, and team members called to this work. Pray that there might be next steps identified, and progress made to begin and continue planting churches that reach our military and their families.

  • Pray for Patrick Mugwanja and Christ Redeemed Church in Federal Way, Washington.  Pray for Patrick as he works bi-vocationally to support his family and plant the church to reach Swahili speakers in the Northwest.  Pray for his wife Eunice, and their three children Dennis, Lincoln, and Margaret.  Pray they would have many opportunities to share the Good News, and that their church will grow as people come to faith in Jesus Christ.

  • Pray for our team!

    Please pray for Phil Peters.  Phil is our "utility player" catalyst....while he is assigned specifically to help with the work in Regions 2 and 3, he is also assisting with works in our other regions as well!  Pray for him as he travels throughout the Northwest, meeting with planters and pastors to coach and encourage them.  Pray for his wife, Elaine, his grown children Tim, Beth, Becky and their families.

Week of January 27

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Planter John Schmidt and Resilient Hope Fellowship in McMinnville, Oregon. Pray that the many opportunities that John has to minister in the community - including a furniture bank for needy families - might result in many hearts turning to Christ.  Pray for the new believers and seekers in Resilient Hope Fellowship, that they might grow and mature into reproducing disciples. 

    Please pray for a location for the furniture bank, as they are currently without a location to provide this needed service to their community.

    Pray for John's wife, Kim, as she faithfully serves alongside her husband in the work of the Kingdom.  Pray they would not grow weary in doing good, but that they might see a fruitful harvest from their efforts.

  • Pray for lead planter Adam Bonus and co-planter Dan Baber as they plant Grace Church in Pasco, WA.  Pray for receptivity to the Gospel, and for boldness to proclaim it.  Pray they would inspire their people to live lives on mission for Christ.

    Pray for Adam's wife Kim and their kids Emily, Nathan, and Abby (pictured), as well as Dan's wife Kara and their kids Hudson, Ezra, Isaac, and Adalyah.  

  • Pray for planter Jacob Dahl and Resonate UW! Jacob is planting on campus at University of Washington, as well as laying the groundwork for a secondary off-site plant.  Pray for the Resonate UW team as they strive build and deepen relationships with students.  Pray that they would have favor with the school and advocates among the faculty.  Pray for encouragement for the leadership team to stay the course in an ever-changing landscape of students coming and going. 

    Pray also for Jacob's wife Jessica, and their two adorable kids Hudson & Valerie.

  • Pray for Planter James Maze and Cowboy Church of Darrington.  James is planting the church in Darrington, and also pastors an established church in Everett (Silver Lake Baptist Church).  Pray for him and his wife Linda as they navigate all the challenges that come from an unconventional church plant.  Pray they would continue to have open doors to the horse and rodeo communities as they work, live, and share the Gospel among them.  Pray for strong partners to walk alongside them as they plant, to provide resources and encouragement.

  • Pray for Natalie Hammond, NWBC Church Planting Administrator.  Tomorrow marks 24 years serving in her role under Gary Irby - first with Puget Sound Baptist Association and more recently with NWBC.  Pray for her as she seeks to administratively support the church planting team, as she hosts events and strives to encourage planters and their wives.

    Pray for her husband, Brian, and their children - Josh (17) and Abby (12)

Week of January 20

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Planter John Kim and Bellevue Living Water Church in Bellevue, WA.  Pray for John and his leadership team as they strive to reach a multi-ethnic group of young families and young adults in Bellevue and the surrounding areas.  Pray for opportunities to share the Gospel and sow faith seeds with college students.

    Pray also for John's wife Youngmin, and their two grown daughters Gloria and Sharon.

  • Pray for Planter Patrick Grant and Woodstock Community Church in SE Portland, Oregon.  Pray they would be effective in reaching their community with the Good News.  Pray for encouragement as they labor in the hard soil, that at the right time they will see a harvest!

    Pray for Patrick's wife Jennifer, and their kids Riley, Kyler, Jacob, Michael, and Taegan.

  • Pray for Planter Jordin Crow, who is planting a campus of Living Hope Church in Ashland, Oregon.  Pray for favor as he ministers on campus at Southern Oregon University.

    Pray also for Jordin's wife Renee, and their precious little girl, Nina.

  • Pray for Planter Oscar Cruzado and Iglesia Cristiana Cristo Vive in Edmonds, Washington.  Pray for Oscar and his wife Gladys as they minister to the Hispanic population of North Seattle.  Pray for encouragement and refreshing as they serve tirelessly to see the lost come to faith.  Pray that their efforts to raise up leaders to multiply would bear much fruit.

  • Pray for NWBC Church Planting Catalyst Ivan Montenegro as he helps start new churches, raise up leaders, and oversees Hispanic planting in the Northwest. Praise God for the many new plants that have started in the past year.  Pray God would continue to provide the resources and leaders to further His Kingdom through these planting efforts!

    Pray for the Hispanic Biblical Institutes that are currently training the next generation of pastors and planters.

    Pray for Ivan's wife Lavi, their son Ivan Jr (16), and their grown children as well.

Week of January 13

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Planter/Pastor Joel Kim and Portland Vision Church.  Pastor Kim planted Rejoice Church in Beaverton, and in 2022 joyfully completed a merger with First Baptist Korean.  Pray for this integrated church, that they might be united fully under one vision to see the Lost found in Christ.  Pray for Pastor Kim, his wife Joy, and the church leadership as they labor fervently for the King and Kingdom.

  • Pray for rePlanter Jeff Dankenbring and Freedom Hill Baptist Church in Sweet Home, Oregon. Jeff and his wife, Simone, are working to lead their plant to be a light in their community, a hope for the lost and hurting. Pray for them as they work to build relational bridges to the community while at the same time deepening partnership among other churches. 

    Congratulations Simone for your recently published children's books!!

  • Pray for Planter Dave Elliff & Roots Community Church in the Roosevelt & Ravenna neighborhoods of Seattle, WA.  Pray for Dave and his team as they seek to be a beacon of light in what is a challenging city full of hopelessness and darkness.  

    Pray for Dave's amazing wife, Mary, and their six adorable littles: Caroline, Caleb, Elijah, Emily, Kate, and Annie.

  • Pray for Planter Noe Flores and Iglesia Bautista Trinidad in Springfield, Oregon.  Pray they would have great success in sharing the Gospel among the Hispanics in their community, and that many would be added to their number.  

    Pray also for Noe's wife Yolanda, and their daughter Noely.

  • Pray for our team: 

    Pray for Region 5  (E Washington / N Idaho) Church Planting / Church Health & Evangelism Catalyst Zac Minton.  Pray for him as he meets with pastors & planters in his region, and  as he seeks planters and partners for new works and rePlants. 

    Pray also for Zac's wife Nichole, and their kids Isaac (12) and Lillian (8).

Week of January 6

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Planter Jeremy Cook & Pioneer Church in Corvallis, Oregon.   Please pray that they would continue to grow in diversity - in both age and ethnicity - and that they might continue to see more and more lives transformed by the power of Jesus.

    Pray for Jeremy's wife Brooke, and their kids Berakah, Beraiah, Judah, JJ, Benjamin, Cedar, and Isaac.  

  • Please pray for God to raise up workers for the harvest among the Native American tribes in the Northwest.  Pray for a movement of His Spirit among these peoples, and for the Gospel to go forth.

  • Pray for Planter Cesar Muego and Koinonia Church (formerly Mt. Vernon Christian Fellowship) in Mt. Vernon, Washington.  Pray for continued growth and passion for reaching the lost in their community.  Pray for leaders to be developed and deployed to plant new Filipino works in the region and beyond.

    Cesar, in addition to planting, has been active in leading the Filipino Network to plant churches throughout the Northwest.  Praise God for a new plant launched in Lynnwood in November! Pray they would grow and multiply.

    Pray also for Cesar's family - wife Reyma and children Nathan and Eliana, as they serve alongside him.

  • Pray for Planter Joshua (Nghia) Nguyen and Light of God Vietnamese Church in Longview, Washington. Pray this young church would be strengthened and encouraged as they grow in Christ.  Pray they would be bold and effective in reaching the Vietnamese community around them with the Gospel.

    Pray also for Joshua's wife, Van, as she serves alongside him in ministry.

  • Pray for NWBC Church Planting Director Gary Irby as he leads church planting efforts in the Northwest.  

    Pray for wisdom as he leads the NWBC Church Planting Team.  Pray that God would continue to speak through him to inspire others with a vision of Gospel saturation in the Northwest through the planting of new churches resulting in reaching unreached people groups.

    Pray also for his wife Joyce, his grown kids Randi, Nathan, Austin & Kendall and their families.

Week of December 30

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Eric Diaz and Abide Church in Pasco, WA. Eric is planting the church with his brother, Professor Adam Diaz. Abide Church is closely tied with Columbia Basin College and is reaching students and young singles and families in the Tri-Cities area.  Pray for Abide as they seek to be a light to the college and surrounding area.

    Pray specifically:

    • that their access to the college campus would continue to grow
    • for the students hearing the Gospel message, that they will have open hearts to understand and be saved
    • for God to continue to raise up leaders from within the church both to lead within Abide and to plant additional churches

    Pray also for Eric's wife Victoria, and their precious little girl!

  • Pray for Pastor David (Sung) Lee & Erica (Myungok) as they plant Puyallup Korean Baptist Church in Puyallup, Washington.  Pray God would infuse their body with a passion to share the Gospel with the lost, and that hearts would be open to hearing the truth about Jesus.  Pray for their children, John , Amy , and Daniel as they grow and labor alongside their parents on behalf of the Kingdom.

  • Pray for 2025 to be an unprecedented year of churches planted and lives changed.  Pray for our current plants to thrive, and for new plants to be birthed.  Pray that God would move in a mighty way across the Northwest and that many will turn to Him.

    The Lord bless you

        and keep you;

    the Lord make his face shine on you

        and be gracious to you;

    the Lord turn his face toward you

        and give you peace.

    Numbers 6:24-26

    Happy New Year!

  • Pray for Planter Timothy Moore & Impact Multiplied in Mt. Vernon, WA (and beyond!).  Impact X is a church multiplication movement primarily based in Skagit County that includes micro churches, conventional churches (such as Christ the King Hope in Burlington), and Maximum Impact Training (MIT) for ministry leaders.

    Pray for CTK Hope as they prepare their new worship/meeting space for use in the Burlington Mall!

    Pray for the ministry to continue to raise up leaders to send out.  Pray for wisdom as they continue to multiply.  Pray for Timothy and Melissa as they pour themselves out for the sake of the Kingdom.  

  • Pray for Haggai Habila and Living Spring Fellowship.  Haggai and Mary, along with their 3 kids - Magdiel, Haziel, and Michelle, planted their first campus over 10 years ago in Des Moines, WA.  Not too long after that, a call came that resulted in them starting a second campus in Lynnwood, WA.  After a move a couple years ago, they began work on a third campus in Puyallup, WA.  Originally from Nigeria, the Habilas serve tirelessly to reach the lost in their communities with the Gospel of Christ.

    Living Spring Fellowship made a shift about a year ago and folded the Des Moines campus into their Puyallup one, so the church now has just the two locations where they meet for house church.  

    Pray for strength and energy, as Haggai also serves as a hospital chaplain and Mary serves as a school psychologist in Federal Way.  Pray God would bless their efforts and that many would come to know His saving grace!  Praise God for these faithful servants of His!!

Week of December 23

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Planter Alonso Manzano and Iglesia Fuente de Vida.  Pray for Pastor Alonso and his family as they seek to reach the Hispanic population in Longview, Washington with the Gospel.  Pray for open hearts and a boldness to share.

    Pray also for Alonso's wife Leydi, and their two beautiful daughters.

  • Pray for our NW Churches & Plants as many host Christmas Eve services. This is often one of the few times non-believers will attend a church service. Pray the Gospel is clearly presented, that hearts are tender to His Word, and that lives would be changed.

    And the angel said unto them

    Fear not: for, behold, I bring you

    good tidings of great joy, 

    which shall be to all people.

    For unto you is born this day

    in the city of David a Saviour, 

    which is Christ the Lord.

    Luke 2:10-11

  • Merry Christmas!  Thank you to all our prayer partners across the globe.  Praying you have a blessed holiday as you celebrate the Savior's birth!

    For to us a child is born,

        to us a Son is given;

    and the government shall be upon His shoulder,

        and His name shall be called

    Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,

        Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

    Isaiah 9:6

  • Happy Boxing Day!

    Please pray for our partners and planters in Vancouver BC..  Please pray for God to bring new planters and partners to serve in the Greater Vancouver area, and for strength and encouragement for those already planting.

    Interested in partnering with the church planting work in BC? Join us March 11-12, 2025 on a Vision Tour to see how you can be involved!

    More Information and Registration

  • Pray for Pastor Nhut Nguyen and Vietnamese Heart 2 Heart Church (Vancouver, WA).  Pray they would grow in Christ and continue to multiply.  Pray for Pastor Nguyen as he leads the People of God Biblical Institute, developing, training, and deploying hundreds of leaders around the world, resulting in new church plants.  Pray for him and his network of leaders as they invest in these National and global leaders, and for the new churches being started. Pray they would be fruitful and reach multiple generations of the Vietnamese community with the Gospel.

    Pray for Pastor Nguyen's wife, Trang Vo, and their children as they minister as well.

Week of December 16

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Planter Dung Nguyen and Vietnamese Solid Rock Baptist Church (formerly Dream Baptist Church) in Portland, Oregon.  Pray for Pastor Nguyen and his church as they reach out to the Vietnamese in their region.  Pray that they would encounter many opportunities to witness and have boldness to share the Gospel.  Pray that God would add to their number many new believers.

    Pray also for Pastor Nguyen's family - his wife, Phuong, and two kids: Duyen and Duong.

  • Pray for our Partners: First Baptist Church, Henderson, Texas. Pray for Senior Pastor David Higgs and his staff as they lead their church to reach their community with the Gospel.  Pray for Mike Head, who oversees leading missions teams to the Northwest to support multiple plants through construction, training, and support for outreach camps.  We are thankful for your partnership!

  • Please pray for Eduardo & Nimsi Lara and Nueva Esperanza de Creswell (Creswell, Oregon). Pray also for their team as the strive to plant a second church in nearby Cottage Grove, Oregon. Pray God would continue to bless and grow both works, and that they would have much Gospel impact.

    Please continue to pray specifically for Nimsi, who still needs surgery to remove a rare tumor in her nervous system.  Pray for peace for her, Eduardo, and their daughters Jesed and Hannah in this tough season.

  • Pray for Miguel Mejia as he plants Iglesia Biblica Internacional in Lebanon, Oregon.  Pray for him and his wife Alba Aquino as they reach out to the Hispanic community around them with the Good News of the Gospel.  Pray for opportunities to engage in people's lives and to share Christ. 

    Pray for his wife Alba, as she serves alongside him, and for their little boy, Ian.

  • Pray for Tyler Clark and Table of Hope Church in Puyallup, Washington.  Pray for open doors to reach their community with the Gospel.  Pray for the body to grow in their faith and step out boldly to serve the Lord.

    Pray for Tyler and Tracia as they raise their four great kids: Amy-Lynn, Katie, Josiah, and Emmy. 

Week of December 9

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Planter Vergil Brown and Redemption Church in Portland, Oregon.  Pray for them as the reach out to the community around them with the Gospel. Vergil is an experienced church planter who serves as a guide to others.

    Pray for Vergil's wife Kelsey, and their kids: Olive, Lincoln, CoCo, and Georgia.

  • Pray for Martin Leyva and Ve Iglesia, in Woodland, Washington.  Martin is planting Ve Iglesia as a part of the Go Church Family Network to reach the surrounding Hispanic community.  Pray for him, his wife Graciela, and their grown children Martin Jr, Damaris, and Grace as they passionately reach out with the Gospel to the lost and hurting.

    Pray for Martin and his leadership as they also endeavor to plant a second church in the Vancouver/Portland area.

  • Pray for Al Del Vecchio and Farm & Family Missions in Bow, Washington.  Al is planting while also continuing to serve in the Navy Reserve.  Pray for him as he ministers, that he might be able to steward his time well.  Pray for open hearts among those he comes into contact, and for spiritual growth in the church body.  Farm & Family Missions was planted as a part of Impact Multiplied, a church planting church/network in Skagit County.

    Pray for Pastor Al as he leads his church to multiply, as well as to minister both overseas and in their own community.

    Pray also for Al's wife Christianne and their kids: Evangeline, Aurelia, and Carina as they serve alongside him in ministry.

  • Pray for Northwest Collegiate Ministries (NCM) led by Ken Harmon.  NCM leadership are currently at their winter retreat. Pray for clarity of vision, encouragement, and refreshment for the team.

    Pray God will draw workers to serve on college campuses around the Northwest.  Pray especially for the opening doors to start on new campuses in Portland and Seattle.  Pray for the students that will be studying on the many NW campuses this fall, that they would be reached with the Good News of the Gospel.

    Pray for Ken and Dondi Harmon as they oversee and lead this vital ministry, as well as for Brad and Rainy Schneeflock as they focus on restarting NCM campus ministry in the Seattle region.

  • Pray for Randy Burrows, as he pastors Dexter Baptist Church (Dexter, Oregon). Randy is a catalytic rePlanter, who has assisted in getting multiple church rePlants going in Oregon.  Pray for encouragement and strength as he faithfully serves his church and helps in the work of rePlanting others.

    Pray also for his wife Kandy, as she ministers alongside him.

Week of December 2

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for rePlanter Shawn Snyder & Living Hope Church in Medford, Oregon.  Pray for open doors as they reach out to their community.  Pray for the leaders that they are developing through their residency program, that they would learn and be sent out to plant / replant. Pray for mature believers to join their efforts and walk alongside the Snyders.

    Pray for Shawn, Tina, and their kids Aaron, Rileyann, Rachael, and Wayne, as they serve tirelessly and faithfully.

  • Happy Giving Tuesday!  Pray for new partners for our church plants.  Pray that many would give sacrificially to support the missionary work in the Pacific Northwest.

    If you're looking for a practical way to get involved in Giving Tuesday, why not consider a donation to a church plant?  You can find a catalog of the most current plants here. Or you can give to our network overall here.  Tangible ways to support our planters could be a card of encouragement, gift cards for date nights, or if you're local, offers to watch the kids or provide a meal! Thanks for praying, and for being a blessing!

  • Pray for our partners!  Pray for Tallowood Baptist Church in Houston, Texas, led by Senior Pastor Duane Brooks.  Tallowood has a rich history of partnering with church planting in the Northwest, assisting with multiple church plants in various ways.

    Pray for Minister of Missions & Evangelism Jeremy Scott as he leads Tallowood in partnering with church planting in the Northwest.   Pray that Tallowood will be greatly blessed as they are a blessing to our Northwest churches.

  • Pray for Planter Sahara Chea, and Southeast Asian Ministry (SEAM) in Tacoma, Washington.  SEAM was planted primarily to reach Cambodian refugees in the greater Seattle area.  They are doing so in a large part by outreach to meet practical needs in the community.  Pray that their ministry would be effective in communicating the love of Christ and result in many entering the Kingdom!

    Pray for Sahara's wife, Sima, and their girls Bella and Lyna.

  • Pray for Tom Tang and New Creation Chinese Church in Beaverton, Oregon.  Pray for growth in believers, that they would be bold in proclaiming their faith, and seek to grow in their walk with the Lord.

    Pray for Tom, his wife Jessi, and their children as they reach out to the Mandarin-speaking people in and around their community.

Week of November 25

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Planter Matt Boyd and Sojourn Church in Portland, Oregon.  Sojourn Church is focused on reaching the inner eastside of Portland,  Pray for them as they reach out to an incredibly diverse group of people with the Gospel.  Pray for open doors and opportunities to minister in their communities.  Pray they might shine boldly as a light for Christ in a dark part of the Northwest.

    Pray for Matt's wife Andrea, and their boys Eliot, Liam, and Oliver.

  • Pray for our partners: Pastor Dale Braswell and Wedgwood Baptist Church in Fort Worth, TX.  Dale, a former Seattle area church planter, continues to have a passion for reaching the Northwest, and is partnering with several of our church plants in those efforts.  Pray these partnerships would bear fruit in both the Northwest and in their own church.

    Pray also for Dale's wife Tina, and their two beautiful daughters: Hannah and Kaitlyn.

  • Pray for Planter Mike Samuels and Hope in the Grove Church in Cottage Grove, Oregon.  Pray for an openness to the Gospel and boldness to have those conversations.  Pray for the body to be strengthened and bear much fruit.

    Praise God for the recent merge with FBC Cottage Grove! Pray for unity as these two congregations continue to be knit into one.  Praises for the meeting location in town that this merger provides.  Pray for their efforts to reach the community through various ministries, including Dirt Track Ministry and Nursing Home Ministry.  Pray also for continued spiritual growth and discipleship as their body continues to grow, and for wisdom as they appoint more Deacons, and as they work towards autonomy by 2026.

    Pray also for Mike's wife Brooke and their 3 beautiful daughters Tommie, Mollie, and Emma.

  • Praises to Jehovah Jireh, our provider, for His bountiful blessings!  Praises for the churches started, and for the lives changed.  Praises for the many ways He provides for His people.

    Thankful for each of you, faithful prayer warriors for the Kingdom!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Pray for planter David Ginn and Two Bridges Church in the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle, Washington.  Pray for them as they invest in the people in their community, doing life together.  Pray for opportunities to have Gospel conversations.  Pray they would be a strong influence for Christ in an incredibly liberal neighborhood.

    Pray for David's wife, Jennifer, and their kids Arya and Jameson.

Week of November 18

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Ankhbayar Jigjid and Eternal Joy Mongolian Church of Seattle. Pray for their efforts to reach the Mongolian population in North Seattle and beyond with the Gospel. Pray for continued growth for those in their church.  

    Pray specifically for their efforts to plant a second Mongolian church in the Kirkland/Bellevue area.

    Please also pray for Ankhbayar's family - wife Badnaa, daughter Yesugen, & son Erkhes.

  • Pray for planter DJ Lowrance of Sola Church in Kennewick, WA. Pray they would be diligent to reach their neighbors with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and that they would find favor in their community.  We praise God for the growth they have seen, and pray for continued growth and maturity. Pray God will raise up strong, faithful leaders to walk alongside DJ and serve the body well.

    Pray for DJ's wife, Candice, and their three daughters: Peyton, Alethea, and Raina.

  • Pray for Muana Khuptong and Zomi Bethel Church in Portland, Oregon as they reach the Zomi ethnic group of people (predominately from Myanmar and India). Pray they would be bold to share the Gospel.

    Pray for Muana's wife, Ziri, and their 3 adorable kids.

  • Pray for Will Forrest & Summit LIFE Church in Issaquah, WA.  Located in the heart of Issaquah, please pray that they will be a light to their community.  

    Praise God for his provision of a new, larger meeting space! Pray for Pastor Will and his team as they plan to utilize their former facility to help train and send out more workers for the harvest.

    Pray also for Will's wife, Tiffany, and their awesome kids.

  • Pray for John Peters and Living Water Fellowship of Dallas, Oregon.  Pray that they would be effective in reaching their community with the Good News. Pray for opportunities to speak into the lives of those around them.

    Pray for John's wife, Cindy, and their grand-daughter Naomi, whom they are raising.  Pray for energy and renewed passion to daily pursue Christ and His Kingdom.

Week of November 11

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for the Northwest Baptist Convention Annual Meeting, today through Wednesday at Great Wolf Lodge (Grand Mound, WA).  Pray that valuable connections will be made, that relationships would be deepened, that planters/pastors and their families would be encouraged, and that God would be glorified throughout all of it!

    Pray for Executive Director Randy Adams and the NWBC staff as they serve both on stage and behind the scenes to ensure everything runs smoothly.

  • Pray for the amazing NWBC Administrative Team, led by Heather Malm., for all their behind-the-scenes work to make the Annual Convention run smoothly, as well as all their tireless labor for the pastors and churches of our convention. 


    Pray for the rest of the Administrative Team - Denise Harvey, Tina Lawson, and Madison Caddy.  We are so thankful for all you ladies!!

  • Pray for Randy Adams as he wraps up NWBC's Annual Meeting and completes his time as the NWBC Executive Director.  Pray for him and Paula as they transition into a new season of life. We are so thankful for the leadership Randy has provided these many years, and wish them all the best in the days ahead.  Pray for the convention as we seek a new Executive Director, that God would bring the right person at the right time to lead us forward. 

    Thank you Randy, we are so grateful for all you have done for us! God bless!

  • Pray for our ministry partners in Vancouver, British Columbia. Pray for SEND City Missionary Peter Blackaby, Church Planting Catalyst Paul Wicki, and CP Admin Michal Ann Buntain.  Pray God will raise up planters for this challenging area, and pray for encouragement and strength for the planters currently on the field. Pray also for CNBC Regional Director Director Hamish Buntain.

    Interested in partnering with the church planting work in BC? Join us March 11-12, 2025 on a Vision Tour to see how you can be involved!

    More Information and Registration

  • Praise God for the 14 new churches planted in the last year (Nov 2023 - Nov 2024)!  Pray these new works would develop strong roots and be salt and light in their communities.  Praise God for our strong multiplying churches who are actively sending out new planters into the harvest.  Pray for the Lord to continue to raise up more workers for the harvest (Matthew 9:38 / Luke 10:2).

Week of November 4

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Interstate Baptist Association and Moderator Ken Harmon, and Ministry Assistant Lila O'Banion.  Pray for the churches of this association and their leaders, that they would be light and salt to the Greater Portland area. Pray specifically for their annual meeting tonight, that they would be encouraged and inspired through gathering together.

  • Pray for our Partners: Columbia Basin Baptist Association (CBBA) and Moderator Rick Weiss.  Pray for their Annual Meeting, taking place tonight, that they would be strengthened and encouraged through this time together.  Pray the churches of this association would be emboldened to be a witness of God's grace and love to the communities around them.  Pray for strength, joy, and renewed passion for CBBA's pastors, that they might run the race well.

    Pray also for Admin extraordinaire, Tina Hammack, as she serves the CBBA churches so joyfully and faithfully.

  • Pray for Planter Aaron Carpenter & Soundside Church in Tacoma, WA. Pray God will bless their outreach to their community, and that opportunities would arise to share the Good News.  Pray for their efforts to plant a second campus or church in a nearby neighborhood, that doors would be opened, the right leaders raised up/found, and that all the needs for this new plant would be provided in God's perfect timing.

    Pray also for Aaron's wife, Nichole, and their kids William, Alayna, and Wesley.

  • Pray for Planter Williams Velez and Iglesia Nueva Esperanza in Albany, Oregon.  Pray that he would lead his church to reach their community with the Gospel.  Pray for  Williams and his wife, Elurden, as they labor to see lives changed.

  • Pray for our Partners: Pray for the Texas Baptists Annual Convention, which begins Sunday in Waco, Texas.  Pray for those that gather to find renewed passion for the work of the Gospel.  Pray for those from our NWBC team and various planters traveling to participate in the convention, that connections would be made that would develop into fruitful partnerships.  Pray in thanksgiving for the many Texas Baptists churches and individuals currently supporting our church planting efforts in the Northwest!

Week of October 28

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Please pray for Yalid Fuentes and Highland Baptist Church Español. Pray they would be salt and light to the Hispanic community of Redmond, Oregon and be able to effectively reach the lost with the Good News.  

    Pray also for Yalid's wife Melissa, and their kids Anna Grace, Seth, and the precious new twins Ayla & Yalid.

  • Praying for our Partners:  Pray for SW Washington Baptist Association (SWWBA), and Moderator Ben Trigstad.  Praise for a great Annual Meeting, held in September.  Pray for even deeper interaction and collaboration among the churches that make up this association.  Pray for unity, support, and encouragement for SWWBA pastors as they lead their churches to reach the SW region of Washington with the Good News of the Gospel.

  • Pray for Planter Wes Walls and Dwelling Place Church in Seattle, WA.  Dwelling Place Church is located in Magnolia, a lovely quiet neighborhood tucked away just northwest of downtown Seattle.  Pray for Wes and the church as they invest in relationships within the community.   

    Pray also for Wes' wife Adrienne and their two beautiful daughters: Evie and Sophia.

  • Pray for our Partners: Richard McKay, Lead Missions Pastor at Fielder Church in Arlington, Texas.  Pray also for Lead Pastor Jason Parades, Executive Pastors Jim Parks and Jared Yates, and all of the staff at Fielder as they strive to glorify God through all they do.  We are so grateful for the long-standing partnership of Fielder with the Northwest, and their vision to see God at work across the nation and around the world.  Pray that they would continue to listen to God's leading and follow hard after Him in all they do.

    Pray also for Richard's wife Glyn, and their 3 adorable children.

  • Pray for Planter Nelson Castro & Point of Encounter in Hillsboro, Oregon. Please pray for continued growth, that God would raise up leaders and future church planters from within, and that he would give Nelson wisdom and guidance to lead the church well.

    Pray for Nelson's wife Elena as she serves alongside him in ministry.

Week of October 14

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for our partners: Olympic Baptist Association, led by Moderator Michael Koontz.  Pray also for Ministry Assistant Rochall Kehm, as she ministers to the churches in this association.  OBA met this past Saturday (Oct 12th) for their Annual Meeting. Pray for the pastors of these churches, that they would be strengthened and encouraged as they lead their churches.  Pray these churches would grow in grace and truth as they reach their surrounding neighborhoods with the Gospel.

  • Pray for Planter Jonah Easley & Awakening Church in Kirkland, WA.  Pray for them as they reach out to their community with the Good News.  Pray for the fruit of changed lives.  Pray that members would grow in both their personal lives and also their boldness in witnessing to friends, coworkers, and neighbors.  Pray God's blessing over Awakening, Pastor Jonah, his wife Katherine, and their three kids:  Evan, Adele, and Elijah.

  • Pray for Planter Frank & Vicky Wood and Twin Rivers Community Church in Crooked River Ranch, Oregon. this week as they will be hosting two vision teams from Oklahoma (Quail Springs Baptist Church and Surrey Hills Baptist Church). Twin River has been growing rapidly (baptizing over 20 new believers YTD) and is looking for partnering churches to help them continue to grow and reach Crooked River Ranch. They are also looking for potential partners as they are in the early stages of planting another church in the nearby community of Culver.

  • Pray for our Partners: Inland Empire Baptist Association (IEBA) in NE Washington / N Idaho, and Director Dan Brandel.  Dan and IEBA have been strategic partners, and key in identifying areas where church plants are needed.  They have been working tirelessly to prepare the soil and seek workers for the harvest, especially for the Post Falls and Coeur d'Alene areas.  Praise God for these faithful servants of the Lord!  Pray also for Dan's wife, Connie, who serves as Administrator for IEBA. 

    Pray for IEBA's Annual Meeting, led by Moderator Steve Peters, taking place tonight.  Pray it is a joy-filled time of reporting on what God has done and anticipating what He is going to do in the days to come.  Pray for deeper relationships among the pastors, and a strengthening of their churches.

  • Pray for our Partners: Mt Baker Baptist Association (MBBA) in Northwest Washington, and Director Jerry Lanford.  Pray for their upcoming Annual Meeting tomorrow (Sat, Oct 19th).  Pray encouragement and renewed fervor for these churches and pastors - many coming from small, rural areas that are filled with people struggling to make ends meet.  Pray they can be a light and a blessing to their communities, that the Gospel might shine forth in challenging times.  Pray they will stay the course and fight the good fight, knowing that the work done in the Lord is not in vain. 

    Pray also for Moderator Cesar Muego and Ministry Assistant Janice Lanford.

Week of October 7

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Central Washington Baptist Association,  Moderator Mike Gill, and Ministry Assistant Frank Johnson. CWBA hosted their Annual Meeting yesterday.  Pray for the pastors and leaders in this association to be filled with joy and would gather regularly to encourage one another. Pray they might have strength and wisdom to lead their churches. Pray for the churches, that they might be beacons of light to their communities.

  • Pray for Ricardo Barber & One H.O.P.E. Fellowship in Portland, OR.  Pray for their outreach ministry Urban Wings Aviation and Aerospace Leadership Club.  Pray that God would continue to open doors for Gospel conversations, and that many hearts would be changed.  Pray for Ricardo and his leadership, that they might be unified and strengthened as they lead and serve the body.

    Please also pray for Ricardo's wife Menya, and their kids Taylor, Hope, Faith, and Tytus.

  • Pray for Henderson Hills Baptist Church in Edmond, OK, as they build their Church Planting Residency Program.  Pray for Residency Director Mark Callarman, as well as their first church planting resident Branden Dillard. Pray they would build a strong pipeline for raising up and sending out planters and leaders to multiply the Gospel. 

  • Pray for Pastor/Planter Freddy Joklur Jr. and West Plains Marshallese Church in Medical Lake, WA.  Pastor Freddy actually is pastoring Valleypoint Marshallese Church, while planting in Medical Lake and also serving as the English worship pastor at Valleypoint Church.  Pray that God will bless and multiply his time and resources, so he can effectively minister and not become weary.  Pray for God to raise up and strengthen leaders to work alongside him with both congregations.  Pray that they would be able to connect with many of the Marshallese people and for open doors to share the Gospel. Pray also for his wife Terry, as she serves alongside Freddy.

  • Pray for our partners: Northwest Baptist Network (formerly Siskiyou & SW Oregon Baptist Associations), Moderator Bob Farmer, and clerk Nancy Goss. Pray for their Annual Meeting, taking place this Saturday, that this time together would be marked by rejoicing, encouragement, and a challenge to continue in the work of the Kingdom. Pray for refreshing and renewal for the pastors of this association. Pray they may lead their churches to maturity in Christ and with boldness proclaim the Gospel to their communities.

Week of September 30

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Planter Fayze Hanna and Vancouver Arabic Healing Church in Vancouver, WA. Fayze and his wife, Eman El Said, originally from Egypt, are reaching Arab speakers in the Vancouver/Portland area. Pray for them, their children, and their church as they seek to minister to families, meeting both tangible and spiritual needs. Pray for open hearts to the Gospel. Pray for growth and unity among their members. Pray that they might be a catalyst for other Arabic churches to be planted in the Northwest.

    Please pray for healing for Eman as she continues to battle breast cancer.

  • Praying for our Partners:  Pray for the Puget Sound Baptist Association (PSBA) and Executive Director Ron Shepard.  Pray for them as they gather this afternoon and evening for their annual Leadership Conference and Annual Meeting.  Pray for wisdom and guidance for Ron as he leads the association, and for the Executive Board Council and other leaders that serve alongside him in various volunteer roles.  Pray also for the awesome support team - Office Manager Tim Shepard, and bookkeeper Karen Davidian.

  • Pray for Planter Rich Hutchins and Stilly Valley Church with campuses in Stanwood and Arlington, WA. Please pray for strength and encouragement as they minister in their communities, that the work they are doing will lead to Gospel conversations and changed hearts.

    Please pray for God to raise up leaders to serve alongside Rich and his family. Pray for Rich as he works bi-vocationally, that he would manage his time effectively.

    Pray for his wife Jill, as she labors alongside him, as well as for their children: Clara, Natalee, Trey, Uriah, and Sadie.

  • Pray for Ryan Paterson and A Church Family Network (CFN).  CFN is a multiplying network of churches in Vancouver/Portland and beyond.  Pray for them to be successful in multiplying churches, cohorts and gospel teams.  Ryan is a co-vocational planter, so pray for opportunities for him to bring the Gospel to the workplace as well as to his community.

    Pray for Ryan's family - wife Rebecca, and kids Ashlyn, Caleb, Eli, Addy and Cora.

  • Pray for Mark Ford and Go Church East County in Portland, Oregon. 

    Pray for their grand launch service this Sunday, Oct 6th! Pray God will bring those that need to hear the Gospel, that lives would be changed, and relationships built.  Pray for continued growth of this new body of believers.

    Pray for Mark, his wife Kristy, and their core team as they continue to build relationships and share the Gospel with their community. Pray for open hearts to respond to the Good News.  

    Go Church is part of a larger network, Go Church Family Network (aka Go Net), also led by Mark Ford.  Please lift up their existing church plants: Go Church - Ridgefield WA (Pastor Conner Ford), Go Iglesia (Planter Martin Leyva) and Go Church - PDX (Planter Dustin Payne)

Week of September 23

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Planter Sam Mhlanga and Bread of Life International Fellowship in Kent, Washington.  Pray for their congregation as they minister in their community, especially to African immigrants (Sam and his wife, Judith, are originally from Zimbabwe).  Pray for open doors as they share the Gospel with those they encounter.  Pray for the second plant they are starting in Tacoma area, that they would have favor with the people and their hard work would bear much fruit.

    Please pray specifically for Judith who is battling breast cancer. She is having surgery today to remove a tumor. She recently completed chemotherapy, and will undergo radiation treatment following her surgery.

    Pray also for the Mhlanga kids: Blessing, Shalom, Prosper, Emmanuel, and Joseph.

  • Pray for Planter Roy Swihart & Cowboy Church Bow, in Bow, WA.  Pray for continued favor in their community and beyond as they minister to those in need, as well as sharing the Good News of the Gospel.

    Pray for Roy's wife Amy and their children as they work tirelessly to serve and grow His Kingdom!

  • Please pray for Joosung Kim and Love Tree Church in Issaquah, WA.  Pray they would have many opportunities to reach those in their community with the Gospel.  Pray for open hearts and eyes to see where God is moving.

    Pray also for Joosung's wife Ellen and their four children as they minister alongside Pastor Kim.

  • Pray for Planter Jonathan Lee and Connections Church in Federal Way, WA.  Connections Church is working to reach the multi-cultural population (over 100 languages are spoken at home in the community) with the Good News.  Pray for strong leaders to be raised up from within and without to walk along side Jonathan and his wife Jessica as they labor in love over reaching the lost, caring for the body, and connecting in the community.  Pray also for their boys, Micah, Timothy, and Josiah.

  • Pray for Rob Walker, NWBC  Region 4 Church Planting / Church Health & Evangelism Catalyst.  Pray his time would be fruitful as he meets with pastors and planters across Southern Oregon to encourage, support, and strategize.  Pray for more planters and partners to be drawn to this region, and for many to come to faith in Christ as a result of these efforts. 

    Pray especially for workers along the Oregon Coast, where over half of our churches are either pastorless, in a rePlant status, or both.

    Pray for Rob's wife Kristen as she supports him in this work behind the scenes.

Week of September 16

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Planter Raoul Crisologo and Marysville Christian Fellowship in Marysville, Washington.  Pray that God would raise up leaders to be trained and sent out.  Pray He would give them favor in their community, and that many would hear the Gospel and respond.

    Please pray specifically for the Crisologos health as they have had a tough year with Raoul having a stroke in June and his wife, Lynn, who recently had eye surgery. Please also pray for their daughter-in-law Cris (son Fritz & daughter Elisha) in the Philippines. Cris will be undergoing a very expensive surgery today or tomorrow on her back to relieve compression that has been causing extreme weakness in her lower extremities.  Pray for successful surgery, healing, and for God to provide the resources for the cost.

  • Please pray for catalytic Planter Jimmy Cruz as he plants Hispanic churches in Pasco, Yakima, and Pullman, WA.  Pray for him as he develops leaders and as they reach out to their communities with the Gospel.  Ask the Lord for open hearts and that Jimmy would be wise with his time and energy. Pray for the Hispanic Biblical Institute in Pasco, that it would flourish and produce strong, godly leaders for future church plants.  Praise God for all he is doing in Eastern Washington!

    Pray also for Jimmy's wife, Marie, and his sons Jose & Roger.

  • Pray for our partners: Pray for Resonate Church, led by Keith Wieser.  Resonate is a collegiate church planting network currently with 14 sites in 6 states (where? Here!), both on college campuses and off.  As school resumes (UW freshmen are moving in TODAY!), pray that impactful relationships would be built, leading to Gospel conversations and life-changing decisions to live for Christ. Pray for the teams on each campus, that they would boldly proclaim the Good News.

    Pray for the pastors and leaders of Resonate, that they would continue to discern where God is leading them to plant next, and that they would have wisdom as they continue to pour into students, that the next generation might know Christ!

  • Pray for Planter Ivan Shepel and Bellevue Bible Church in Bellevue, Washington as they labor to reach Russian-speakers on the Eastside.  Pray Bellevue Bible would have favor and influence as they minister to their neighborhoods.  Pray hearts would be open to the Gospel, and that many would accept Jesus.  Pray for wisdom for Pastor Shepel and his leadership as they minister to the Slavic people in the NW during this continued time of war in their home countries.

    Pray also for Ivan's wife, Galina and their grown children.

  • Pray for our team!

    Please pray for Phil Peters.  Phil is our "utility player" catalyst....while he is assigned specifically to help with the work in Regions 2 and 3, he is also assisting with works in Regions 1 and 5!  Pray for him as he travels throughout the Northwest, meeting with planters and pastors to coach and encourage them.  Pray for his wife, Elaine, his grown children Tim, Beth, Becky and their families.

Week of September 9

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Patrick Mugwanja and Christ Redeemed Church in Tacoma, Washington.  Pray for Patrick as he works bi-vocationally to support his family and plant the church to reach Swahili speakers in the Northwest.  Pray for his wife Eunice, and their three children Dennis, Lincoln, and Margaret.  Pray they would have many opportunities to share the Good News, and that their church will grow as people come to faith in Jesus Christ.

  • Pray for Planter Steven (Yu) Sun and Living Water Chinese Baptist Church in Federal Way, WA.  Pray for Pastor Sun and his leadership as they reach Mandarin speakers in the region.  Pray the church would grow strong and that many would come to saving faith.

    Pray also for Steven's wife, Li Lin, and their children Charity & Joseph.

  • Please pray for our partners and planters in Vancouver BC..  Please pray for God to bring new planters and partners to serve in the Greater Vancouver area, and for strength and encouragement for those already planting. Pray also for the church planting team, led by Peter Blackaby.

    Specific prayer requests:

    • Pray for two new ethnic church plants that have just started
    • Pray for ministry starting up among collegiates and students as school resumes
    • Pray for a new planter who is moving to BC this month, and for two couples being assessed
    • Praises for established churches catching the vision for planting and taking action
    Click here to sign up for regular prayer emails from Send Vancouver.
  • Pray for Chul Hong Kim and Grace Korean Baptist Church in Springfield, Oregon.  Pray for Pastor Kim and his wife Ouny as they seek to reach first and second generation Koreans in the Springfield area and on the college campus with the Gospel.  

  • Pray for our partners: Gateway Seminary - Pacific NW Campus, led by Director Mark Bradley.  Gateway Seminary has trained hundreds of Northwest Pastors and Planters over the years.  Pray for Director Bradley and his team as they teach and invest in our current and future leaders.

Week of September 2

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Please pray for Tim Howe.  Tim is the Church Planting Catalyst for Region 1, which stretches from Tacoma north to the Canadian Border and East to the mountains.  He is tireless in his passion to meet with our current planters to coach and encourage them, as well as to seek to recruit planters and partners to join them.  

    Pray specifically for healing for Tim following an unplanned eye surgery last week. Pray also for his wife, Kim, as she begins a new teaching job this week.

    Pray for the Howe's 3 kids  who have all just returned back to college: Nadia , Matteo, and Mariel.

  • Pray for Planter James Maze and Cowboy Church of Darrington.  James is planting the church in Darrington, and also pastors an established church in Everett (Silver Lake Baptist Church).  Pray for him and his wife Linda as they navigate all the challenges that come from an unconventional church plant.  Pray they would continue to have open doors to the horse and rodeo communities as they work, live, and share the Gospel among them.  Pray for strong partners to walk alongside them as they plant, to provide resources and encouragement.

  • Pray for planter Donghyeok Kim and First Love Church of Seattle in Issaquah, Washington.  Pray for Pastor Kim as he strives to share the Gospel with the Korean population on the Eastside.  

    Pray for his wife Sunmi, his daughter Youri  and son Eunyou as they work alongside Pastor Kim to reach the Koreans on the Eastside.

  • Pray for Planter Dustin Payne and Go Church PDX, being planted in Portland, Oregon.  Pray for Dustin, his wife Dawn, and their kids Lyra, Auron, and Senai as they develop small groups across the city that will then be gathered into a larger weekly gathering.  Pray specifically that God would draw leaders to the area and to this new plant to join the Payne's in planting Go Church PDX.  Pray for patience and endurance as planting in the Northwest is a slow, slow process.  Pray even now that God would bring into Dustin's path those with hearts sensitive to the Gospel, and that he would have boldness to share the truth in love, resulting in changed lives!

  • Pray for catalytic planter Boris Alfaro and Comunidad Cristiana Renuevo in Salem, Oregon. Boris has been planting for many years now, and has seen multiple campuses birthed over the years.  He is active beyond his own work in assisting to recruit and train new Hispanic planters throughout Oregon, as well as serving as a catalyst with NAMB.

    Pray for Boris' lovely wife, Teresa, especially as she serves as an Elementary School Principal in Salem.

Week of August 26

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Praise God for the many new church plants being started in the upper Northwest corner of Washington.  Pray for NWBC Church Planting Catalyst Ivan Montenegro as he oversees these plants, and for the Hispanic Pastors that have been raised up and trained for the work.  Praise God for the favor He has given their work with influential men in the area.  Pray God would continue to move in and through these workers to grow His kingdom exponentially.

    Pray for the Hispanic Biblical Institutes that are currently training the next generation of pastors and planters.

    Pray for Ivan's wife Lavi, their son Ivan Jr (16), and their grown children as well.

  • Pray for Planter John Schmidt and Resilient Hope Fellowship in McMinnville, Oregon. Pray that the many opportunities that John has to minister in the community - including a furniture bank for needy families - might result in many hearts turning to Christ.  Pray for the new believers and seekers in Resilient Hope Fellowship, that they might grow and mature into reproducing disciples.

    Pray for John's wife, Kim, as she faithfully serves alongside her husband in the work of the Kingdom.

  • Pray for lead planter Adam Bonus and co-planter Dan Baber as they work to plant Grace Church in Pasco, WA.  Pray for receptivity to the Gospel, and for boldness to proclaim it.  Pray they would inspire their people to live lives on mission for Christ.

    Pray for Adam's wife Kim and their kids Emily, Nathan, and Abby (pictured), as well as Dan's wife Kara and their kids Hudson, Ezra, Isaac, and Adalyah.  

    Want to play a part?  (1) Join the prayer team at www.gracetri.org/pray, or (2) give financially at www.gracetri.org/give.

  • Pray for Planter Frank Wood and Twin Rivers Community Church in Crooked River Ranch, Oregon.  Praise God for the growth they have experienced over the past few years! Please pray for God to provide the resources for even more space to be added to their barely two-year-old building!  Among a need for more classrooms and a bigger worship space, Twin Rivers has a vision to start a school. Crooked River Ranch is a fairly isolated community, with almost no amenities....including a school.  Over 700 students are bussed to nearby towns for school.  Pray God would provide the resources for them to see this vision realized.

    Pray also for Frank's wife, Vicky, as she serves alongside her husband.

  • Pray for planter Jacob Dahl and Resonate UW! Jacob is planting on campus at University of Washington, as well as laying the groundwork for a secondary off-site plant.  Pray for the Resonate UW team as they prepare for the coming school year.  Pray that they would have favor with the school and quickly build relationships with new students.  Pray for encouragement for the leadership team to stay the course in an ever-changing landscape of students coming and going. 

    Jacob shares these specific requests as well:

    "T-Minus 30 days until our quiet campus is flooded with thousands of college students. Would you take a moment to pray to the Lord of the harvest on our behalf?

    There were 70,000 freshmen applications to the University of Washington for fall 2024. Only about 8,000 of those will step foot on campus. Pray that God would connect us to the students who he has already been preparing to receive his message. 

    • Pray that we'd discover people of peace who can help open doors to reach more people for Christ.
    • Pray for our student leaders, that they would catch a vision for the kingdom of God that surpasses the vision of the careerism.
    • Pray that the Spirit of God would give our people boldness in prayer and evangelism to seek first the Kingdom this year. 

    We are grateful for you and your partnership in prayer!"

    Pray also for Jacob's wife Jessica, and their two adorable kids Hudson & Valerie.

Week of August 19

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Planter John Kim and Bellevue Living Water Church in Bellevue, WA.  Pray for John and his leadership team as they strive to reach a multi-ethnic group of young families and young adults in Bellevue and the surrounding areas.  Pray for opportunities to share the Gospel and sow faith seeds with college students.

    Pray also for John's wife Youngmin, and their two grown daughters Gloria and Sharon.

  • Pray for Planter Patrick Grant and Woodstock Community Church in SE Portland, Oregon.  Pray they would be effective in reaching their community with the Good News.  Pray for encouragement as they labor in the hard soil, that at the right time they will see a harvest!

    Pray for Patrick's wife Jennifer, and their kids Riley, Kyler, Jacob, Michael, and Taegan.

  • Pray for Planter Jordin Crow, who is planting a campus of Living Hope Church in Ashland, Oregon.  Pray for favor as he ministers on campus at Southern Oregon University.

    Pray also for Jordin's wife Renee, and their precious new little girl, Nina.

  • Pray for Planter Oscar Cruzado and Iglesia Cristiana Cristo Vive in Edmonds, Washington.  Pray for Oscar and his wife Gladys as they minister to the Hispanic population of North Seattle.  Pray for encouragement and refreshing as they serve tirelessly to see the lost come to faith.  Pray that their efforts to raise up leaders to multiply would bear much fruit.

  • Pray for Russell & Rachel Schieck as they transition away from serving the replant of First Baptist Church in Toledo, Oregon.  Please pray for them as they move to the Salem area to be closer to treatment for Russell's cancer.  Pray for healing for Russell, and for support and care for them both during this challenging season.

    Pray also for FBC Toledo as they transition leadership, that the ground gained through the faithful service of the Schiecks will not be lost, but that the replant to flourish.  

Week of August 12

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for rePlanter Jeff Dankenbring and Freedom Hill Baptist Church in Sweet Home, Oregon. Jeff and his wife, Simone, are working to lead their plant to be a light in their community, a hope for the lost and hurting. Pray for them as they work to build relational bridges to the community while at the same time deepening partnership among other churches. 

  • Pray for Planter/Pastor Joel Kim and Portland Vision Church.  Pastor Kim planted Rejoice Church in Beaverton, and in 2022 joyfully completed a merger with First Baptist Korean.  Pray for this integrated church, that they might be united fully under one vision to see the Lost found in Christ.  Pray for Pastor Kim, his wife Joy, and the church leadership as they labor fervently for the King and Kingdom.

  • Pray for Planter Dave Elliff & Roots Community Church in the Roosevelt & Ravenna neighborhoods of Seattle, WA.  Pray for Dave and his team as they seek to be a beacon of light in what is a challenging city full of hopelessness and darkness.  

    Pray for Dave's amazing wife, Mary, and their six adorable littles: Caroline, Caleb, Elijah, Emily, Kate, and Annie.

  • Pray for NWBC Church Planting Director Gary Irby as he leads church planting efforts in the Northwest.  

    Today marks Gary's 26th year of spearheading church planting efforts - first primarily focused on the greater Seattle area, and then expanding to the Northwest (and, if you know him at all, his influence and efforts reach far beyond that!). Praise God for Gary's ongoing passion and dedication to his calling, and to seeing the Northwest won for Christ. Thank you Gary for your tireless efforts on behalf of the Kingdom!!!

    Pray for wisdom as he leads the NWBC Church Planting Team.  Pray that God would continue to speak through him to inspire others with a vision of Gospel saturation in the Northwest through the planting of new churches resulting in reaching unreached people groups.

    Pray for Gary's wife Joyce, his grown kids, and precious grand-kids.

  • Pray for Planter Noe Flores and Iglesia Bautista Trinidad in Springfield, Oregon.  Pray they would have great success in sharing the Gospel among the Hispanics in their community, and that many would be added to their number.  

    Pray also for Noe's wife Yolanda, and their daughter Noely.

Week of August 5

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Haggai Habila and Living Spring Fellowship.  Haggai and Mary, along with their 3 kids - Magdiel, Haziel, and Michelle, planted their first campus over 10 years ago in Des Moines, WA.  Not too long after that, a call came that resulted in them starting a second campus in Lynnwood, WA.  After a move a couple years ago, they began work on a third campus in Puyallup, WA.  Originally from Nigeria, the Habilas serve tirelessly to reach the lost in their communities with the Gospel of Christ.

    Living Spring Fellowship made a shift this past year and folded the Des Moines campus into their Puyallup one, so the church now has just the two locations where they meet for house church.  Pray for this shift, that the resources freed up might allow for more opportunity to reach new people, as well as to better minister to the current members.

    Pray for strength and energy, as Haggai also serves as a hospital chaplain and Mary serves as a school psychologist in Federal Way.  Pray God would bless their efforts and that many would come to know His saving grace!  Praise God for these faithful servants of His!!

  • Pray for Planter Jeremy Cook & Pioneer Church in Corvallis, Oregon.   Please pray that they would continue to grow in diversity - in both age and ethnicity - and that they might continue to see more and more lives transformed by the power of Jesus.

    Pray for Jeremy's wife Brooke, and their kids Berakah, Beraiah, Judah, JJ, Benjamin, Cedar, and Isaac.  

  • Please pray for God to raise up workers for the harvest among the Native American tribes in the Northwest.  Pray for a movement of His Spirit among these peoples, and for the Gospel to go forth.

  • Pray for Planter Cesar Muego and Koinonia Church (formerly Mt. Vernon Christian Fellowship) in Mt. Vernon, Washington.  Cesar, in addition to planting, has been active in leading the Filipino Network to plant churches throughout the Northwest.  Pray specifically for the new work they have been developing in the Seattle area.

    Pray for the church body, for continued growth and passion for reaching the lost in their community.  Pray for leaders to be developed and deployed to plant new Filipino works in the region and beyond.

    Pray for Cesar's family - wife Reyma and children Nathan and Eliana, as they serve alongside him.

  • Pray for Planter Joshua (Nghia) Nguyen and Light of God Vietnamese Church in Longview, Washington. Pray this young church would be strengthened and encouraged as they grow in Christ.  Pray they would be bold and effective in reaching the Vietnamese community around them with the Gospel.

    Pray also for Joshua's wife, Van, as she serves alongside him in ministry.

Week of July 29

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Pastor Nhut Nguyen and Vietnamese Heart 2 Heart Church (Vancouver, WA).  Pray they would grow in Christ and continue to multiply.  Pray for Pastor Nguyen as he leads the People of God Biblical Institute, developing, training, and deploying hundreds of leaders around the world, resulting in new church plants.  Pray for him and his network of leaders as they invest in these National and global leaders, and for the new churches being started. Pray they would be fruitful and reach multiple generations of the Vietnamese community with the Gospel.

    Pray for Pastor Nguyen's wife, Trang Vo, and their children as they minister as well.

  • Pray for Eric Diaz and Abide Church in Pasco, WA. Eric is planting the church with his brother, Professor Adam Diaz. Abide Church is closely tied with Columbia Basin College and is reaching students and young singles and families in the Tri-Cities area.  Pray for Abide as they seek to be a light to the college and surrounding area.

    Pray specifically:

    • that their access to the college campus would continue to grow
    • for the students hearing the Gospel message, that they will have open hearts to understand and be saved
    • for God to continue to raise up leaders from within the church both to lead within Abide and to plant additional churches

    Pray also for Eric's wife Victoria, and their precious little girl!

  • Pray for the groundwork to continue to be laid in preparation of a church plant (or multiple plants) that are military/veteran focused or friendly within the next year.  Pray that the right lead planter would be identified, and team members called to this work. Pray that there might be next steps identified, and progress made to begin and continue planting churches that reach our military and their families.

  • Pray for Pastor David (Sung) Lee & Erica (Myungok) as they plant Puyallup Korean Baptist Church in Puyallup, Washington.  Pray God would infuse their body with a passion to share the Gospel with the lost, and that hearts would be open to hearing the truth about Jesus.  Pray for their children, John , Amy , and Daniel as they grow and labor alongside their parents on behalf of the Kingdom.

  • Pray for Planter Timothy Moore & Impact Multiplied in Mt. Vernon, WA (and beyond!).  Impact X is a church multiplication movement primarily based in Skagit County that includes micro churches, conventional churches (such as Christ the King Hope in Burlington), and Maximum Impact Training (MIT) for ministry leaders.

    Pray for CTK Hope as they prepare their new worship/meeting space for use in the Burlington Mall!

    Pray for the ministry to continue to raise up leaders to send out.  Pray for wisdom as they continue to multiply.  Pray for Timothy and Melissa as they pour themselves out for the sake of the Kingdom.  

Week of July 22

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Please pray for Eduardo & Nimsi Lara and Nueva Esperanza de Creswell (Creswell, Oregon). God has been greatly blessing the work and has given them favor with a mill owner that has resulted in a second congregation starting. Pray God would continue to bless and grow this church, and that they would have much Gospel impact.  

    In addition, please pray for a new Hispanic work that is being started in partnership with sister church Hope in the Grove in Cottage Grove, OR.  

    Pray specifically for immigration services to process the Lara's VISA paperwork, and that they will not have to leave the country while waiting.  They have already qualified for their residency status & have had the paperwork submitted for over 1 1/2 years, so they are simply waiting on the government to process their application.

    Pray also for Eduardo & NImsi's two beautiful daughters Jesed and Hannah.

  • Pray for Miguel Mejia as he plants Iglesia Biblica Internacional in Lebanon, Oregon.  Pray for him and his wife Alba Aquino as they reach out to the Hispanic community around them with the Good News of the Gospel.  Pray for opportunities to engage in people's lives and to share Christ. 

    Pray for his wife Alba, as she serves alongside him, and for their sweet baby, Ian.

  • Pray for Tyler Clark and Table of Hope Church in Puyallup, Washington.  Pray for open doors to reach their community with the Gospel.  Pray for the body to grow in their faith and step out boldly to serve the Lord.

    Pray for Tyler and Tracia as they raise their four great kids: Amy-Lynn, Katie, Josiah, and Emmy.  

  • Pray for Planter Alonso Manzano and Iglesia Fuente de Vida.  Pray for Pastor Alonso and his family as they seek to reach the Hispanic population in Longview, Washington with the Gospel.  Pray for open hearts and a boldness to share.

    Pray also for Alonso's wife Leydi, and their two beautiful daughters.

  • Pray for the RePlant Conference taking place in Florence, Oregon today and tomorrow.  Pray for those gathered, that they would be equipped, encouraged, and challenged to continue faithfully in the hard work of rePlanting.  Pray for those who might be considering becoming a rePlanter, as well as churches considering the possibility of becoming to a replant.   Pray that God would raise up strong, compassionate leaders to help the many churches finding themselves in need of revitalization and replanting to have the courage to do what it takes to reach their communities.  

Week of July 15

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Randy Burrows, as he pastors First Baptist Church (Dexter, Oregon). Randy is a catalytic rePlanter, who has assisted in getting multiple church rePlants going in Oregon.  Pray for encouragement and strength as he faithfully serves his church and helps in the work of rePlanting others.

    Pray also for his wife Kandy, as she ministers alongside him.

  • Pray for Planter Pillsek Baek and Yesuan Korean Baptist Church in Lynnwood, Washington.  Pray God would bless their efforts to reach their community with the Gospel.  

    Pray also for Pastor Baek's wife, Eunyeong Kim, and their two kids, Daeun and Jueun.

  • Pray for our Partners: First Baptist Church, Henderson, Texas. Pray for Senior Pastor David Higgs and his staff as they lead their church to reach their community with the Gospel.  Pray for Mike Head, who oversees leading missions teams to the Northwest to support multiple plants through construction, training, and support for outreach camps.  We are thankful for your partnership!

  • Pray for Planter Dung Nguyen and Vietnamese Solid Rock Baptist Church (formerly Dream Baptist Church) in Portland, Oregon.  Pray for Pastor Nguyen and his church as they reach out to the Vietnamese in their region.  Pray that they would encounter many opportunities to witness and have boldness to share the Gospel.  Pray that God would add to their number many new believers.

    Pray also for Pastor Nguyen's family - his wife, Phuong, and two kids: Duyen and Duong.

  • Pray for Dr. Gary Floyd. Gary oversees Northwest Disaster Relief, Associational Relations, and Chaplaincy. Pray for him as he directs these ministries. Pray for church planting leaders to be raised up to work alongside Disaster Relief to build upon the relational investment the DR teams make in a community. Pray for the next generation of leaders to step forward for DR ministry. Pray for the many Directors of Missions, Moderators, and Chaplains that Gary serves and supports. 

    Pray for Gary's wife Dianne, their kids, and grandkids.

Week of July 8

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Tom Tang and New Creation Chinese Church in Beaverton, Oregon.  Pray for growth in believers, that they would be bold in proclaiming their faith, and seek to grow in their walk with the Lord.

    Pray for Tom, his wife Jessi, and their children as they reach out to the Mandarin-speaking people in and around thier community.

  • Pray for Planter Vergil Brown and Redemption Church in Portland, Oregon.  Pray for them as the reach out to the community around them with the Gospel. Vergil is an experienced church planter who serves as a guide to others.

    Pray for Vergil's wife Kelsey, and their kids: Olive, Lincoln, CoCo, and Georgia.

  • Pray for Martin Leyva and Go Iglesia, in Woodland, Washington.  Martin is planting Go Iglesia as a part of the Go Church Family Network to reach the surrounding Hispanic community.  Pray for him, his wife Graciela, and their grown children Martin Jr, Damaris, and Grace as they passionately reach out with the Gospel to the lost and hurting.

  • Pray for Al Del Vecchio and Farm & Family Missions in Bow, Washington.  Al is planting while also continuing to serve in the Navy Reserve.  Pray for him as he ministers, that he might be able to steward his time well.  Pray for open hearts among those he comes into contact, and for spiritual growth in the church body.  Farm & Family Missions was planted as a part of Impact Multiplied, a church planting church/network in Skagit County.

    Pray for Pastor Al as he leads his church to multiply, as well as to minister both overseas and in their own community.

    Pray also for Al's wife Christianne and their kids: Evangeline, Aurelia, and Carina as they serve alongside him in ministry.

  • Pray for Northwest Collegiate Ministries (NCM) led by Ken Harmon.  Pray God will draw workers to serve on college campuses around the Northwest.  Pray especially for the opening doors to start on new campuses in Portland and Seattle.  Pray for the students that will be studying on the many NW campuses this fall, that they would be reached with the Good News of the Gospel.

    Pray for Ken and Dondi Harmon as they oversee and lead this vital ministry, as well as for Brad and Rainy Schneeflock as they focus on restarting NCM campus ministry in the Seattle region.

Week of July 1

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for planter David Ginn and Two Bridges Church in the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle, Washington.  Pray for them as they invest in the people in their community, doing life together.  Pray for opportunities to have Gospel conversations.  Pray they would be a strong influence for Christ in an incredibly liberal neighborhood.

    Pray for David's wife, Jennifer, and their kids Arya and Jameson.

  • Pray for Planter Adrian Lauran and Momentum Church (formerly Word of Life Romanian Church) in Portland, Oregon.  Word of Life was planted to reach the Romanian population in the city, but Adrian has a special passion to reach the next generation of Romanians with the Gospel.  Pray for them as they reach out to multiple generations and seek to share the Good News.  Pray also for Adrian's wife, Adriana, and their kids Ana, Filip, and David.

  • Pray for our partners!  Pray for Tallowood Baptist Church in Houston, Texas, led by Senior Pastor Duane Brooks.  Tallowood has a rich history of partnering with church planting in the Northwest, assisting with multiple church plants in various ways, including New Creation Fellowship (Planter Tom Tang), GO Church PDX (Planter Dustin Payne), GO Church (Planter Mark Ford), and Northwest Collegiate Ministries (led by Ken Harmon).

    Pray for Minister of Missions & Evangelism Jeremy Scott as he leads Tallowood in partnering with church planting in the Northwest.   Pray that Tallowood will be greatly blessed as they are a blessing to our Northwest churches.

  • Pray for rePlanter Shawn Snyder & Living Hope Church in Medford, Oregon.  Pray for open doors as they reach out to their community.  Pray for the leaders that they are developing through their residency program, that they would learn and be sent out to plant / replant. Pray for mature believers to join their efforts and walk alongside the Snyders.

    Pray for Shawn, Tina, and their kids Aaron, Rileyann, Rachael, and Wayne, as they serve tirelessly and faithfully.

  • Pray for Planter Sahara Chea, and Southeast Asian Ministry (SEAM) in Tacoma, Washington.  SEAM was planted primarily to reach Cambodian refugees in the greater Seattle area.  They are doing so in a large part by outreach to meet practical needs in the community.  Pray that their ministry would be effective in communicating the love of Christ and result in many entering the Kingdom!

    Pray for Sahara's wife, Sima, and their girls Bella and Lyna.

Week of June 24

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for John Peters and Living Water Fellowship of Dallas, Oregon.  Pray that they would be effective in reaching their community with the Good News. Pray for opportunities to speak into the lives of those around them.

    Pray for John's wife, Cindy, and their grand-daughter Naomi, whom they are raising.  Pray for energy and renewed passion to daily pursue Christ and His Kingdom.

  • Pray for our team: Celebrating our amazing Randi Irby! Today marks her 10 year work anniversary, serving as Church Planting Administrative Assistant to Natalie in the NW Church Planting office.  Randi has worked tirelessly, often hidden behind the scenes, to support our team and our NW church planters, not to mention our boss (whom she calls "Dad"), Gary Irby.  Thank you Randi, we are so grateful for you!!

    Pray also for Randi's kids, Lily & Tristan, and her little cousin she is caring for, Charlie.

  • Pray for our partners: Pastor Dale Braswell and Wedgwood Baptist Church in Fort Worth, TX.  Dale, a former Seattle area church planter, continues to have a passion for reaching the Northwest, and is partnering with several of our church plants in those efforts.  Pray these partnerships would bear fruit in both the Northwest and in their own church.

    Pray also for Dale's wife Tina, and their two beautiful daughters: Hannah and Kaitlyn.

  • Pray for Planter Matt Boyd and Sojourn Church in Portland, Oregon.  Sojourn Church is focused on reaching the inner eastside of Portland,  Pray for them as they reach out to an incredibly diverse group of people with the Gospel.  Pray for open doors and opportunities to minister in their communities.  Pray they might shine boldly as a light for Christ in a dark part of the Northwest.

    Pray for Matt's wife Andrea, and their boys Eliot, Liam, and Oliver.

  • Pray for Planter Mike Samuels and Hope in the Grove Church in Cottage Grove, Oregon.  Pray for an openness to the Gospel and boldness to have those conversations.  Pray for the body to be strengthened and bear much fruit.

    Praise God for the recent merge with FBC Cottage Grove! Pray for unity as these two congregations continue to be knit into one.  Praises for the meeting location in town that this merger provides.  Pray for their efforts to reach the community through various ministries, including Dirt Track Ministry and Nursing Home Ministry.  Pray also for continued spiritual growth and discipleship as their body continues to grow.

    Pray also for Mike's wife Brooke and their 3 beautiful daughters Tommie, Mollie, and Emma.

Week of June 17

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for planter DJ Lowrance of Sola Church in Kennewick, WA. Pray they would be diligent to reach their neighbors with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and that they would find favor in their community.  We praise God for the growth they have seen, and pray for continued growth and maturity. Pray God will raise up strong, faithful leaders to walk alongside DJ and serve the body well.

    Pray for DJ's wife, Candice, and their three daughters: Peyton, Alethea, and Raina.

  • Pray for Muana Khuptong and Zomi Bethel Church in Portland, Oregon as they reach the Zomi ethnic group of people (predominately from Myanmar and India). Pray they would be bold to share the Gospel.

    Pray for Muana's wife, Ziri, and their 3 adorable kids.

  • Pray for planter Ryan Sidhom & River City Church in Vancouver, Washington.

    Pray that God would continue to grant the church influence in the city of Vancouver.  Pray for open doors to serve the felt needs of the community, and that this will give them opportunities to share the Gospel.

    Pray for River City to be fruitful as they work towards multiplication on all levels.

    Pray for Ryan's wife, Clarissa, and their boys Banner and Anchor.

  • Pray for Will Forrest & Summit LIFE Church in Issaquah, WA.  Located in the heart of Issaquah, please pray that they will be a light to their community.  

    Pray also for Will's wife, Tiffany, and their awesome kids.

  • Pray for our team: 

    Pray for Region 5  (E Washington / N Idaho) Church Planting / Church Health & Evangelism Catalyst Zac Minton.  Pray for him as he meets with pastors & planters in his region, and  as he seeks planters and partners for new works and rePlants. 

    Pray also for Zac's wife Nichole, and their kids Isaac (12) and Lillian (8).

Week of June 10

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for the Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting in Indianapolis IN.  Pray for wisdom and discernment for the actions and decisions taking place during the meeting.  Pray that many good connections would be made with potential planters and partners for the Northwest!

  • Pray for Planter Nelson Castro & Point of Encounter in Hillsboro, Oregon. Please pray for continued growth, that God would raise up leaders and future church planters from within, and that he would give Nelson wisdom and guidance to lead the church well.

    Pray for Nelson's wife Elena as she serves alongside him in ministry.

  • Pray for Planter Aaron Carpenter & Soundside Church in Tacoma, WA. Pray God will bless their outreach to their community, and that opportunities would arise to share the Good News.  Pray for their efforts to plant a second campus or church in a nearby neighborhood, that doors would be opened, the right leaders raised up/found, and that all the needs for this new plant would be provided in God's perfect timing.

    Pray also for Aaron's wife, Nichole, and their kids William, Alayna, and Wesley.

  • Pray for Planter Williams Velez and Iglesia Nueva Esperanza in Albany, Oregon.  Pray that he would lead his church to reach their community with the Gospel.  Pray for  Williams and his wife, Elurden, as they labor to see lives changed.

  • Pray for Ankhbayar Jigjid and Eternal Joy Mongolian Church of Seattle. Pray for their efforts to reach the Mongolian population in North Seattle and beyond with the Gospel. Pray for continued growth for those in their church.  

    Pray specifically for God to raise up a church planter for the new work Eternal Joy is invested in planting in the Bellevue area.

    Please also pray for Ankhbayar's family - wife Badnaa, daughter Yesugen, & son Erkhes.

Week of June 3

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Daniel Englehart and The Mountain Church in Des Moines, WA.

    Please pray specifically for The Mountain Church and The Pointe (formerly First Baptist Federal Way) as they walk through the process of merging.  Praise God for the provision of a building through this merger.  Pray the existing congregations would work together to become one, and that they might together to bring light to their community.

    Please also be praying for Daniel's wife, Stephanie, and their three adorable girls: Addisyn, Avery and Ana.

  • Pray for Pastor/Planter Daniel Estrada and El Buen Pastor in Beaverton Oregon & their more recently planted campus in Vancouver, Washington.  Please pray for their vision to plant another campus in the Portland area, and  that God would raise up strong leaders for this plant as they seek to continue multiplying.  Pray for favor among their communities, that hearts would be softened and ears would be open to hearing the Gospel.

    Pray also for Daniel's wife Mary, as she serves alongside him in the work of the Kingdom. Please also pray for their middle son, Elvis, who is currently serving in the American embassy in Baghdad.

  • Please pray for Yalid Fuentes and Highland Baptist Church Español. Pray they would be salt and light to the Hispanic community of Redmond, Oregon and be able to effectively reach the lost with the Good News.  

    Pray also for Yalid's wife Melissa, and their kids Anna Grace, Seth, and the precious new twins Ayla & Yalid.

  • Pray for Planter Wes Walls and Dwelling Place Church in Seattle, WA.  Dwelling Place Church is located in Magnolia, a lovely quiet neighborhood tucked away just northwest of downtown Seattle.  Pray for Wes and the church as they invest in relationships within the community.   

    Pray also for Wes' wife Adrienne and their two beautiful daughters: Evie and Sophia.

  • Pray for our team!

    Please pray for Phil Peters.  Phil is our "utility player" catalyst....while he is assigned specifically to help with the work in Regions 2 and 3, he is also assisting with works in Regions 1 and 5!  Pray for him as he travels throughout the Northwest, meeting with planters and pastors to coach and encourage them.  Pray for his wife, Elaine, his grown children Tim, Beth, Becky and their families.

Week of May 27

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for rePlanter Shawn Snyder & Living Hope Church in Medford, Oregon.  Pray for open doors as they reach out to their community.  Pray for the leaders that they are developing through their residency program, that they would learn and be sent out to plant / replant. Pray for mature believers to join their efforts and walk alongside the Snyders.

    Pray for Shawn, Tina, and their kids Aaron, Rileyann, Rachael, and Wayne, as they serve tirelessly and faithfully.

  • Pray for Planter Raoul Crisologo and Marysville Christian Fellowship in Marysville, Washington.  Pray that God would raise up leaders to be trained and sent out.  Pray He would give them favor in their community, and that many would hear the Gospel and respond.

    Pray also for Raoul's wife, Lynn, as she serves tirelessly alongside her husband for the Kingdom.

  • Pray for our Partners!  Pray for Pastor Ross Shelton and Brenham's First Baptist Church in Brenham, TX.  Brenham's FBC was a significant partner in the planting of Soundside Church in Tacoma (Planter Aaron Carpenter), and continues to partner with plants in the Northwest to help the Gospel grow.  Pray for wisdom for Pastor Ross and his leadership as they lead their church to reach their own community, that they would be blessed as they are a blessing to so many others.  

    Pray for Ross's wife Lauren, and their children Audrey, Libby, and Garrett.

  • Pray for Planter Carlos Rivera and Thousand Hills Church in Merrill, Oregon.  Pray that God would root and establish them firmly, that He would raise up strong disciples that make disciples. Pray for opportunities for this church to be a light to their community, and for hearts to be open to the Good News.

    Pray also for Carlos' wife Ellie, and their three kids: Levi, Judah, and Eden. 

  • Pray for Mark Ford and Go Church East County in Portland, Oregon. Pray for Mark, his wife Kristy, and their core team as they build relationships and share the Gospel with their community. Pray for open hearts to respond to the Good News.  

    A meeting location is being negotiated!  Please pray that the result would be favorable, so Go Church EC will have a meeting space secured for their services
    (hopefully beginning Fall 2024).

    Go Church is part of a larger network, Go Church Family Network (aka Go Net), also led by Mark Ford.  Please lift up their existing church plants: Go Church - Ridgefield WA (Pastor Conner Ford), Go Igelsia (Planter Martin Leyva) and Go Church - PDX (Planter Dustin Payne)

Week of May 20

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Ricardo Barber & One H.O.P.E. Church in Portland, OR.  Pray for their outreach ministry Urban Wings Aviation and Aerospace Leadership Club.  Pray that God would continue to open doors for Gospel conversations, and that many hearts would be changed.  Pray for Ricardo and his leadership, that they might be unified and strengthened as they lead and serve the body.

    Please also pray for Ricardo's wife Menya, and their kids Taylor, Hope, Faith, and Tytus.

  • Pray for our Partners: Richard McKay, Lead Missions Pastor at Fielder Church in Arlington, Texas.  Pray also for Lead Pastor Jason Parades, Executive Pastors Jim Parks and Jared Yates, and all of the staff at Fielder as they strive to glorify God through all they do.  We are so grateful for the long-standing partnership of Fielder with the Northwest, and their vision to see God at work across the nation and around the world.  Pray that they would continue to listen to God's leading and follow hard after Him in all they do.

    Pray also for Richard's wife Glyn, and their 3 adorable children.

  • Pray for Pastor/Planter Freddy Joklur Jr. and Airway Heights Marshallese Church in Airway Heights, WA.  Pastor Freddy actually is pastoring Valleypoint Marshallese Church, while planting in Airway Heights and also serving as the English worship pastor at Valleypoint Church.  Pray that God will bless and multiply his time and resources, so he can effectively minister and not become weary.  Pray for God to raise up and strengthen leaders to work alongside him with both congregations.  Pray that they would be able to connect with many of the Marshallese people and for open doors to share the Gospel.

  • Pray for Planter Sam Mhlanga and Bread of Life International Fellowship in Kent, Washington.  Pray for their congregation as they minister in their community, especially to African immigrants (Sam and his wife, Judith, are originally from Zimbabwe).  Pray for open doors as they share the Gospel with those they encounter.  Pray for the second plant they are starting in Tacoma area, that they would have favor with the people and their hard work would bear much fruit.

    Please pray specifically for Judith, who is currently going through chemotherapy after being diagnosed with breast cancer, stage three, triple negative.

    Pray also for the Mhlanga kids: Blessing, Shalom, Prosper, Emmanuel, and Joseph.

  • Pray for Planter Jonah Easley & Awakening Church in Kirkland, WA.  Pray for them as they reach out to their community with the Good News.  Pray for the fruit of changed lives.  Pray that members would grow in both their personal lives and also their boldness in witnessing to friends, coworkers, and neighbors.  Pray God's blessing over Awakening, Pastor Jonah, his wife Katherine, and their three kids:  Evan, Adele, and Elijah.

Week of May 13

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for our Northwest Pastors, Wives, and other leaders attending the Oasis Conference (M-W) in Sun River, Oregon.  Pray the time away together will be refreshing and encouraging. 

  • Pray for Planter Fayze Hanna and Vancouver Arabic Healing Church in Vancouver, WA. Fayze and his wife, Eman El Said, originally from Egypt, are reaching Arab speakers in the Vancouver/Portland area. Pray for them, their children, and their church as they seek to minister to families, meeting both tangible and spiritual needs. Pray for open hearts to the Gospel. Pray for growth and unity among their members. Pray that they might be a catalyst for other Arabic churches to be planted in the Northwest.

  • Pray for Planter Rich Hutchins and Stilly Valley Church with campuses in Stanwood and Arlington, WA. Please pray for strength and encouragement as they minister in their communities, that the work they are doing will lead to Gospel conversations and changed hearts.

    Please pray for God to raise up leaders to serve alongside Rich and his family. Pray for Rich as he works bi-vocationally, that he would manage his time effectively.

    Pray for his wife Jill, as she labors alongside him, as well as for their children: Clara, Natalee, Trey, Uriah, and Sadie.

  • Pray for Ryan Paterson and A Church Family Network (CFN).  CFN is a multiplying network of churches in Vancouver/Portland and beyond.  Pray for them to be successful in multiplying churches, cohorts and gospel teams.  Ryan is a co-vocational planter, so pray for opportunities for him to bring the Gospel to the workplace as well as to his community.

    Specifically, please pray for the grand opening of their physical location in June 2024. A non-profit called Family Rhythms will serve 160+ families during the week, and on Sundays there will be a gathering of the church.

    Pray for Ryan's family - wife Rebecca, and kids Ashlyn, Caleb, Eli, Addy and Cora.

  • Pray for NWBC Executive Director Randy Adams. Pray for wisdom and discernment, as well as renewed passion and vision for the future. as he leads our Convention team in serving the churches of the Northwest. Randy is a strong advocate for church planting. He has been in hundreds of the NWBC's over 500 churches. Under Randy's leadership, the Northwest Baptist Convention is the strongest that it has ever been.

    Pray for Randy's wife, Paula, as she ministers alongside her husband to the pastors' wives and in various other ministries.

Week of May 6

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Please pray for catalytic Planter Jimmy Cruz as he plants Hispanic churches in Pasco, Yakima, and Pullman, WA.  Pray for him as he develops leaders and as they reach out to their communities with the Gospel.  Ask the Lord for open hearts and that Jimmy would be wise with his time and energy. Pray for the Hispanic Biblical Institute in Pasco, that it would flourish and produce strong, godly leaders for future church plants.  Praise God for all he is doing in Eastern Washington!

    Pray also for Jimmy's wife, Marie, and his sons Jose & Roger.

    Please pray specifically for Marie, as she is having tests done to determine what might be going on with her heart.

  • Pray for Planter Ivan Shepel and Bellevue Bible Church in Bellevue, Washington as they labor to reach Russian-speakers on the Eastside.  Pray Bellevue Bible would have favor and influence as they minister to their neighborhoods.  Pray hearts would be open to the Gospel, and that many would accept Jesus.  Pray for wisdom for Pastor Shepel and his leadership as they minister to the Slavic people in the NW during this continued time of war in their home countries.

    Pray also for Ivan's wife, Galina and their grown children.

  • Pray for Planter Roy Swihart & Cowboy Church Bow, in Bow, WA.  Pray for continued favor in their community and beyond as they minister to those in need, as well as sharing the Good News of the Gospel.

    Pray for Roy's wife Amy and their children as they work tirelessly to serve and grow His Kingdom!

  • Please pray for Joosung Kim and Love Tree Church in Issaquah, WA.  Pray they would have many opportunities to reach those in their community with the Gospel.  Pray for open hearts and eyes to see where God is moving.

    Pray also for Joosung's wife Ellen and their four children as they minister alongside Pastor Kim.

  • Pray for Planter Jonathan Lee and Connections Church in Federal Way, WA.  Connections Church is working to reach the multi-cultural population (over 100 languages are spoken at home in the community) with the Good News.  Pray for strong leaders to be raised up from within and without to walk along side Jonathan and his wife Jessica as they labor in love over reaching the lost, caring for the body, and connecting in the community.  Pray also for their boys, Micah, Timothy, and Josiah.

Week of April 29

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Planter Dustin Payne and Go Church PDX, being planted in Portland, Oregon.  Pray for Dustin, his wife Dawn, and their kids Lyra, Auron, and Senai as they develop small groups across the city that will then be gathered into a larger weekly gathering.  Pray specifically that God would draw leaders to the area and to this new plant to join the Payne's in planting Go Church PDX.  Pray for patience and endurance as planting in the Northwest is a slow, slow process.  Pray even now that God would bring into Dustin's path those with hearts sensitive to the Gospel, and that he would have boldness to share the truth in love, resulting in changed lives!

  • Pray for catalytic planter Boris Alfaro and Comunidad Cristiana Renuevo in Salem, Oregon. Boris has been planting for many years now, and has seen multiple campuses birthed over the years.  He is active beyond his own work in assisting to recruit and train new Hispanic planters throughout Oregon, as well as serving as a catalyst with NAMB.

    Pray for Boris' lovely wife, Teresa, especially as she serves as an Elementary School Principal in Salem.

  • Pray for Patrick Mugwanja and Christ Redeemed Church in Tacoma, Washington.  Pray for Patrick as he works bi-vocationally to support his family and plant the church to reach Swahili speakers in the Northwest.  Pray for his wife Eunice, and their three children Dennis, Lincoln, and Margaret.  Pray they would have many opportunities to share the Good News, and that their church will grow as people come to faith in Jesus Christ.

  • Pray for Planter Steven (Yu) Sun and Living Water Chinese Baptist Church in Federal Way, WA.  Pray for Pastor Sun and his leadership as they reach Mandarin speakers in the region.  Pray the church would grow strong and that many would come to saving faith.

    Pray also for Steven's wife, Li Lin, and their children Charity & Joseph.

  • Pray for Chul Hong Kim and Grace Korean Baptist Church in Springfield, Oregon.  Pray for Pastor Kim and his wife Ouny as they seek to reach first and second generation Koreans in the Springfield area and on the college campus with the Gospel.  

Week of April 22

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for safe travels as nearly 300 planters, spouses, kids, and other leaders journey to Cannon Beach for the annual NWBC Church Planting Retreat.  Pray for keynote speaker James Langston (Executive Director of Mission Encounters International), worship leaders Nate & Becky McGlinchy, and many others as they lead their sessions.  

    Pray for Church Planting Director Gary Irby and other NWBC Church Planting & Church Health leaders, as they seek to lead and serve the planters and their families.

    Pray for NWBC Childhood Ministry Director Leigh Ann Stark and her amazing team as they show God's love and teach church planter kids in their very own VBS.  Please lift up the largest group of teens we have had EVER that will be participating in middle & high school youth groups! SO exciting!

    Pray for NWBC Church Planting Administrator Natalie Hammond and her amazing team of volunteers as they manage the nuts and bolts of the retreat.

  • Please be in prayer for our Church Planting Retreat as it continues into day two.  Pray for the ladies, as they spend some quality time together and with Marci Langston, encouraging one another and being encouraged themselves.  Pray for our breakout leaders, and for James Langston as he shares in our main sessions on leadership.

    Pray for the many people giving of their time to meet individually with participants for soul care and consultations - Scott Brewer, Joe Chambers, Brenda Keck, Ron Keck, Marci Langston, Larry McCrary, and Greg Pickering.


    Pray for the planting couples and families as they enjoy some quality free time on the beach and relaxing, that this time away would be both a time of growth, but also a time of refreshing.

  • We are so thankful for the amazing team of people who run the Cannon Beach Conference Center! Pray for more people to join their team, and for refreshing and encouragement for all the workers who serve us so humbly and well!  Pray in thanksgiving for Esteban, Clara, and Joel in the retreats department for helping us plan and facilitate an amazing time for our planting families! 

    Pray for the many leaders from associations around the Northwest who are gathering at the retreat to connect with church planters and NWBC staff. Pray for these leaders as they seek God's direction through prayer, dreaming, and strategizing together.

    Pray for safe travel home for everyone who participated in the retreat.

  • Please pray for the NW Church Planting Team today - Gary Irby, Tim Howe, Ivan Montenegro, Phil Peters, Wes Hughes, Rob Walker, Zac Minton, Ken Harmon, Brad Schneeflock, and Natalie Hammond - as we take a day to retreat together and find renewed vision and focus for the future.  Pray our time together would be sweet and refreshing.  Pray for wisdom and discernment, and for the Spirit's leading as we refocus, dream together, plan, and strategize.

  • Pray for planter Donghyeok Kim and First Love Church of Seattle in Issaquah, Washington.  Pray for Pastor Kim as he strives to share the Gospel with the Korean population on the Eastside.  Pray for his wife Sunmi, his daughter Youri  and son Eunyou as they work alongside Pastor Kim to reach the Koreans on the Eastside.

Week of April 15

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Planter Frank Wood and Twin Rivers Community Church in Crooked River Ranch, Oregon.  Praise God for the growth they have experienced over the past few years! Please pray for God to provide the resources for even more space to be added to their less than two-year-old building!  Among a need for more classrooms and a bigger worship space, Twin Rivers has a vision to start a school. Crooked River Ranch is a fairly isolated community, with almost no amenities....including a school.  Over 700 students are bussed to nearby towns for school.  Pray God would provide the resources for them to see this vision realized.

    Pray also for Frank's wife, Vicky, as she serves alongside her husband.

  • Pray for planter Jacob Dahl and Resonate UW! Jacob is planting on campus at University of Washington, as well as laying the groundwork for a secondary off-site plant.  Pray for the Resonate UW team as the 23-34 school year rapidly comes to a close.  Pray that many of the relationships developed will continue.  Pray for the students that have committed to missions projects this coming spring and summer.  Pray for encouragement for the leadership team to stay the course in an ever-changing landscape of students coming and going. 

    Pray also for Jacob's wife Jessica, and their two adorable kids Hudson & Valerie.

  • Pray for Planter James Maze and Cowboy Church of Darrington.  James is planting the church in Darrington, and also pastors an established church in Everett (Silver Lake Baptist Church).  Pray for him and his wife Linda as they navigate all the challenges that come from an unconventional church plant.  Pray they would continue to have open doors to the horse and rodeo communities as they work, live, and share the Gospel among them.  Pray for strong partners to walk alongside them as they plant, to provide resources and encouragement.

  • Pray for 4 (almost 5!) year old Ziviah Hernandez, who is having open heart surgery today to repair a severely leaky heart valve.  Pray for wisdom and guidance for her doctors.  Pray the surgery is successful and that they do not have to place  a mechanical valve (which comes with a host of complications and future problems).

    Pray for Ziviah's parents, William & Larissa Hernandez.  The Hernandez family were planters in Seattle, and now serve as our missionaries overseas in Europe to the Arabic diaspora through Healing Lamplight Pathway.

    UPDATE: Hi from the Ronald McDonald House at Stanford University Hospital. Ziviah's surgery has been postponed for the fourth time. She's now scheduled for Monday morning April 22. She has been written as the highest priority for Monday morning. We appreciate your continued prayers for our family as we wait and especially for Ziviah throughout the day on Monday. God's grace has tangibly been carrying us through this time and we are thankful for these extra days that we have with Ziviah. We are daily carrying the weight of the knowledge that it is a very serious and life-threatening surgery that she is facing. "Trust in the Lord with all your HEART and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths!" -Proverbs 3:5-6

  • Please pray for James Langston as he prepares to serve as keynote speaker at the NWBC Church Planting Retreat next week (Apr 22-24) in Cannon Beach, OR.  A former IMB missionary to Zambia, James now serves as the Executive Director of  Mission Encounters International (MEI).  Through MEI James and his wife Marci train believers in the US and around the world to make multiplying disciples using simple and reproducible tools.

Week of April 8

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for rePlanters Russell & Rachel Schieck and the replant of First Baptist Church in Toledo, Oregon.  Pray that the soil might be prepared for the replant to flourish.  Pray for ongoing and deepening relationships with the community, and that there would be a positive response.  Pray for the Schiecks as they follow the Lord's leading and timing in this new work.

  • Pray for the Texas Baptists Vision Tour taking place this week, as these pastors spend time in the Seattle area seeking where God would have them partner.  Pray that connections would be forged that would go deep and bless both our plants and their churches.  Pray God would continue to bring churches with hearts for planting to the NW to catch a vision for how He is at work here! 

    (PS Interested in coming on a Vision Tour to the NW?  Let us know!)

  • Praise God for the many new church plants being started on the farms around Lynden, Washington.  Pray for catalyst Ivan Montenegro as he oversees these plants, and for the Hispanic Pastors that have been raised up and trained for the work.  Praise God for the favor He has given their work with influential men in the area.  Pray God would continue to move in and through these workers to grow His kingdom exponentially.

    Pray for Ivan's wife Lavi, their son Ivan Jr (15), and their grown children as well.

  • Pray for Planter John Schmidt and Resilient Hope Fellowship in McMinnville, Oregon. Pray that the many opportunities that John has to minister in the community - including a furniture bank for needy families - might result in many hearts turning to Christ.  Pray for the new believers and seekers in Resilient Hope Fellowship, that they might grow and mature into reproducing disciples.

    Pray for John's wife, Kim, as she faithfully serves alongside her husband in the work of the Kingdom.

  • Pray for lead planter Adam Bonus and co-planter Dan Baber as they work to plant Grace Church in Pasco, WA.  Pray for receptivity to the Gospel, and for boldness to proclaim it.  Pray they would inspire their people to live lives on mission for Christ.

    Pray for Adam's wife Kim and their kids Emily, Nathan, and Abby (pictured), as well as Dan's wife Kara and their kids Hudson, Ezra, Isaac, and Adalyah.  

    Want to play a part?  (1) Join the prayer team at www.gracetri.org/pray, or (2) give financially at www.gracetri.org/give.

Week of April 1

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Photo by Cdoncel on Unsplash.com

    He is Risen!  Praise God for salvation through our risen Lord!  Continuing to celebrate the joy of Easter Sunday all week long!  Praise Him! Praise Him!

  • Pray for Planter John Kim and Bellevue Living Water Church in Bellevue, WA.  Pray for John and his leadership team as they strive to reach a multi-ethnic group of young families and young adults in Bellevue and the surrounding areas.  Pray for opportunities to share the Gospel and sow faith seeds with college students.

    Pray also for John's wife Youngmin, and their two grown daughters Gloria and Sharon.

  • Pray for Planter Patrick Grant and Woodstock Community Church in SE Portland, Oregon.  Pray they would be effective in reaching their community with the Good News.  Pray for encouragement as they labor in the hard soil, that at the right time they will see a harvest!

    Pray for Patrick's wife Jennifer, and their kids Riley, Kyler, Jacob, Michael, and Taegan.

  • Pray for Planter Jordin Crow, who is planting a campus of Living Hope Church in Ashland, Oregon.  Pray for favor as he ministers on campus at Southern Oregon University.

    Pray also for Jordin's new bride, Renee, as they grow in their marriage and ministry.

  • Pray for Planter Oscar Cruzado and Iglesia Cristiana Cristo Vive in Edmonds, Washington.  Pray for Oscar and his wife Gladys as they minister to the Hispanic population of North Seattle.  Pray for encouragement and refreshing as they serve tirelessly to see the lost come to faith.  Pray that their efforts to raise up leaders to multiply would bear much fruit.

Week of March 25

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Planter/Pastor Joel Kim and Portland Vision Church.  Pastor Kim planted Rejoice Church in Beaverton, and in 2022 joyfully completed a merger with First Baptist Korean.  Pray for this integrated church, that they might be united fully under one vision to see the Lost found in Christ.  Pray for Pastor Kim, his wife Joy, and the church leadership as they labor fervently for the King and Kingdom.

  • Pray for rePlanter Jeff Dankenbring and Freedom Hill Baptist Church in Sweet Home, Oregon. Jeff and his wife, Simone, are working to lead their plant to be a light in their community, a hope for the lost and hurting. Pray for them as they work to build relational bridges to the community while at the same time deepening partnership among other churches. 

  • Pray for Planter Dave Elliff & Roots Community Church in the Roosevelt & Ravenna neighborhoods of Seattle, WA.  Pray for Dave and his team as they seek to be a beacon of light in what is a challenging city full of hopelessness and darkness.  

    Pray for Dave's amazing wife, Mary, and their six adorable littles: Caroline, Caleb, Elijah, Emily, Kate, and Annie.

  • Pray for Planter Noe Flores and Iglesia Bautista Trinidad in Springfield, Oregon.  Pray they would have great success in sharing the Gospel among the Hispanics in their community, and that many would be added to their number.  

    Pray also for Noe's wife Yolanda, and their daughter Noely.

  • Pray for the Good Friday services being held in various places, that even in this somber service the Gospel might go forth and change lives!

    Pray for all of our church plants and partner churches as we celebrate our RISEN Lord and Savior this Sunday!

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

    He was despised and rejected by mankind,

        a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.

    Like one from whom people hide their faces

        he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.

    Surely he took up our pain

        and bore our suffering,

    yet we considered him punished by God,

        stricken by him, and afflicted.

    But he was pierced for our transgressions,

        he was crushed for our iniquities;

    the punishment that brought us peace was on him,

        and by his wounds we are healed.

    We all, like sheep, have gone astray,

        each of us has turned to our own way;

    and the Lord has laid on him

        the iniquity of us all.

    He was oppressed and afflicted,

        yet he did not open his mouth;

    he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,

        and as a sheep before its shearers is silent,

        so he did not open his mouth.

    By oppression and judgment he was taken away.

        Yet who of his generation protested?

    For he was cut off from the land of the living;

        for the transgression of my people he was punished.

    He was assigned a grave with the wicked,

        and with the rich in his death,

    though he had done no violence,

        nor was any deceit in his mouth.

    --Isaiah 53: 3-9

Week of March 18

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Haggai Habila and Living Spring Fellowship.  Haggai and Mary, along with their 3 kids - Magdiel, Haziel, and Michelle, planted their first campus over 10 years ago in Des Moines, WA.  Not too long after that, a call came that resulted in them starting a second campus in Lynnwood, WA.  After a move a couple years ago, they began work on a third campus in Puyallup, WA.  Originally from Nigeria, the Habilas serve tirelessly to reach the lost in their communities with the Gospel of Christ.

    Living Spring Fellowship made a shift this past year and folded the Des Moines campus into their Puyallup one, so the church now has just the two locations where they meet for house church.  Pray for this shift, that the resources freed up might allow for more opportunity to reach new people, as well as to better minister to the current members.

    Pray for strength and energy, as Haggai also serves as a hospital chaplain and Mary serves as a school psychologist in Federal Way.  Pray God would bless their efforts and that many would come to know His saving grace!  Praise God for these faithful servants of His!!

  • Pray for Planter Jeremy Cook & Pioneer Church in Corvallis, Oregon.   Please pray that they would continue to grow in diversity - in both age and ethnicity - and that they might continue to see more and more lives transformed by the power of Jesus.

    Pray for Jeremy's wife Brooke, and their kids Berakah, Beraiah, Judah, JJ, Benjamin, Cedar, and Isaac.  

  • Photo by Ryan Stone on Unsplash.com

    Please pray for God to raise up workers for the harvest among the Native American tribes in the Northwest.  Pray for a movement of His Spirit among these peoples, and for the Gospel to go forth.

  • Pray for Planter Cesar Muego and Mt. Vernon Christian Fellowship in Mt. Vernon, Washington.  Cesar, in addition to planting, has been active in leading the Filipino Network to plant churches throughout the Northwest.

    Pray for the church body, for continued growth and passion for reaching the lost in their community.  Pray for leaders to be developed and deployed to plant new Filipino works in the region and beyond.

    Pray for Cesar's family - wife Reyma and children Nathan and Eliana, as they serve alongside him.

  • Pray for Planter Joshua (Nghia) Nguyen and Light of God Vietnamese Church in Longview, Washington. Pray this young church would be effective in reaching the Vietnamese community around them with the Gospel.

    Pray for Joshua's wife Van Nguyen, as she serves alongside him in ministry.

Week of March 11

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Pastor Nhut Nguyen and Vietnamese Heart 2 Heart Church (Vancouver, WA).  Pray they would grow in Christ and continue to multiply.  Pray for Pastor Nguyen as he leads the People of God Biblical Institute, developing, training, and deploying hundreds of leaders around the world, resulting in new church plants.  Pray for him and his network of leaders as they invest in these National and global leaders, and for the new churches being started. Pray they would be fruitful and reach multiple generations of the Vietnamese community with the Gospel.

    Pray for Pastor Nguyen's wife, Trang Vo, and their children as they minister as well.

  • Pray for Eric Diaz and Abide Church in Pasco, WA. Eric is planting the church with his brother, Professor Adam Diaz. Abide Church is closely tied with Columbia Basin College and is reaching students and young singles and families in the Tri-Cities area.  Pray for Abide as they seek to be a light to the college and surrounding area.

    Pray specifically:

    • that their access to the college campus would continue to grow
    • for the students hearing the Gospel message, that they will have open hearts to understand and be saved
    • for God to continue to raise up leaders from within the church both to lead within Abide and to plant additional churches
    Pray also for Eric's wife Victoria, and their precious little girl!
  • Photo by Gabby Orcutt on Unsplash.com

    Pray for a vision tour that is taking place currently. A team from the East Coast is in the Northwest this week to explore where the Lord might be moving.  They are a part of the Praetorian Project, an effort to plant churches that are military/veteran focused or friendly.  Pray that there might be next steps identified, and progress made to begin and continue planting churches that reach our military and their families.

  • Pray for David (Sung) Lee & Erica (Myungok) as they plant Puyallup Korean Baptist Church in Puyallup, Washington.  Pray God would infuse their body with a passion to share the Gospel with the lost, and that hearts would be open to hearing the truth about Jesus.  Pray for their children, John , Amy , and Daniel as they grow and labor alongside their parents on behalf of the Kingdom.

  • Pray for Planter Timothy Moore & Impact Multiplied in Mt. Vernon, WA (and beyond!).  Impact X is a church multiplication movement primarily based in Skagit County that includes micro churches, conventional churches (such as Christ the King in Burlington), and Maximum Impact Training (MIT) for ministry leaders.

    Pray for the ministry to continue to raise up leaders to send out.  Pray for wisdom as they continue to multiply.  Pray for Timothy and Melissa as they pour themselves out for the sake of the Kingdom.  

Week of March 4

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Happy birthday Eduardo!!!

    Please pray for Eduardo & Nimsi Lara and Nueva Esperanza de Creswell (Creswell, Oregon). God has been greatly blessing the work and has given them favor with a mill owner that has resulted in a second congregation starting. Pray God would continue to bless and grow this church, and that they would have much Gospel impact.

    Please pray specifically for Nimsi, who has recently found out she will need surgery to remove a rare tumor in her nervous system.  The surgery date is not set yet, but the recovery time is a month.  Pray for peace for her, Eduardo, and their daughters Jesed and Hannah in this tough season.

  • Pray for Miguel Mejia as he plants Iglesia Biblica Internacional in Lebanon, Oregon.  Pray for him and his wife Alba Aquino as they reach out to the Hispanic community around them with the Good News of the Gospel.  Pray for opportunities to engage in people's lives and to share Christ. 

    Pray for his wife Alba, as she serves alongside him, and for their sweet baby, Ian.

  • Pray for Tyler Clark and Table of Hope Church in Puyallup, Washington.  Pray for open doors to reach their community with the Gospel.  Pray for the body to grow in their faith and step out boldly to serve the Lord.

    Pray for Tyler and Tracia as they raise their four great kids: Amy-Lynn, Katie, Josiah, and Emmy.  

  • Pray for Planter Alonso Manzano and Iglesia Fuente de Vida.  Pray for Pastor Alonso and his family as they seek to reach the Hispanic population in Longview, Washington with the Gospel.  Pray for open hearts and a boldness to share.

    Pray also for Alonso's wife Leydi, and their two beautiful daughters.

  • Please pray for Tim Howe.  Tim is the Church Planting Catalyst for Region 1, which stretches from Tacoma north to the Canadian Border and East to the mountains.  He is tireless in his passion to meet with our current planters to coach and encourage them, as well as to seek to recruit planters and partners to join them.  He is also currently serving as interim pastor for Pinehurst Baptist (Everett, WA). Pray for refreshing and rest in the midst of his crazy schedule.  

    Pray for his wife, Kim, and their 3 kids  who are all currently in college: Nadia , Matteo, and Mariel.

Week of February 26

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Randy Burrows, as he pastors First Baptist Church (Dexter, Oregon). Randy is a catalytic rePlanter, who has assisted in getting multiple church rePlants going in Oregon.  Pray for encouragement and strength as he faithfully serves his church and helps in the work of rePlanting others.

    Pray also for his wife Kandy, as she ministers alongside him.

  • Pray for Planter Pillsek Baek and Yesuan Korean Baptist Church in Lynnwood, Washington.  Pray God would bless their efforts to reach their community with the Gospel.  

    Pray also for Pastor Baek's wife, Eunyeong Kim, and their two kids, Daeun and Jueun.

  • Pray for our Partners: First Baptist Church, Henderson, Texas. Pray for Senior Pastor David Higgs and his staff as they lead their church to reach their community with the Gospel.  Pray for Mike Head, who oversees leading missions teams to the Northwest to support multiple plants through construction, training, and support for outreach camps.  We are thankful for your partnership!

  • Pray for Planter Dung Nguyen and Vietnamese Solid Rock Baptist Church (formerly Dream Baptist Church) in Portland, Oregon.  Pray for Pastor Nguyen and his church as they reach out to the Vietnamese in their region.  Pray that they would encounter many opportunities to witness and have boldness to share the Gospel.  Pray that God would add to their number many new believers.

    Pray also for Pastor Nguyen's family - his wife, Phuong, and two kids: Duyen and Duong.

  • Pray for NW Collegiate Ministries (NCM) Seattle Metro Strategist Brad Schneeflock, as he works to restart collegiate ministry work in Seattle on campuses that have been without an NCM presence for the past 13 years.  Brad joined the NCM team in Fall 2023, and has hit the ground running, working to find leaders to begin collegiate groups on the many college campuses in the greater Seattle area.

    Pray also for Brad's wife, Rainy, and their amazing kiddos!

Week of February 19

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Tom Tang and New Creation Chinese Church in Beaverton, Oregon.  Pray for growth in believers, that they would be bold in proclaiming their faith, and seek to grow in their walk with the Lord.

    Pray for Tom, his wife Jessi, and their children as they reach out to the Mandarin-speaking people in and around thier community.

  • Pray for Planter Vergil Brown and Redemption Church in Portland, Oregon.  Pray for them as the reach out to the community around them with the Gospel. Vergil is an experienced church planter who serves as a guide to others.

    Pray for Vergil's wife Kelsey, and their kids: 

    Olive, Lincoln, CoCo, and Georgia.

  • Pray for Martin Leyva and Go Iglesia, in Woodland, Washignton.  Martin is planting Go Iglesia as a part of the Go Church Family Network to reach the surrounding Hispanic community.  Pray for him, his wife Graciela, and their grown children Martin Jr, Damaris, and Grace as they passionately reach out with the Gospel to the lost and hurting.

  • Pray for Al Del Vecchio and Farm & Family Missions in Bow, Washington.  Al is planting while also continuing to serve in the Navy Reserve.  Pray for him as he ministers, that he might be able to steward his time well.  Pray for open hearts among those he comes into contact, and for spiritual growth in the church body.  Farm & Family Missions was planted as a part of Impact Multiplied, a church planting church/network in Skagit County.

    Pray for Pastor Al as he leads his church to multiply, as well as to minister both overseas and in their own community.

    Pray also for Al's wife Christianne and their kids: Evangeline, Aurelia, and Carina as they serve alongside him in ministry.

  • Pray for Dr. Gary Floyd. Gary oversees Northwest Disaster Relief, Associational Relations, and Chaplaincy. Pray for him as he directs these ministries. Pray for church planting leaders to be raised up to work alongside Disaster Relief to build upon the relational investment the DR teams make in a community. Pray for the next generation of leaders to step forward for DR ministry. Pray for the many Directors of Missions, Moderators, and Chaplains that Gary serves and supports. 

    Pray for Gary's wife Dianne, their kids, and grandkids.

Week of February 12

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Planter Adrian Lauran and Momentum Church (formerly Word of Life Romanian Church) in Portland, Oregon.  Word of Life was planted to reach the Romanian population in the city, but Adrian has a special passion to reach the next generation of Romanians with the Gospel.  Pray for them as they reach out to multiple generations and seek to share the Good News.  Pray also for Adrian's wife, Adriana, and their kids Ana, Filip, and David.

  • Pray for our partners!  Pray for Tallowood Baptist Church in Houston, Texas, led by Senior Pastor Duane Brooks.  Tallowood has a rich history of partnering with church planting in the Northwest, assisting with multiple church plants in various ways, including New Creation Fellowship (Planter Tom Tang), GO Church PDX (Planter Dustin Payne), GO Church (Planter Mark Ford), and Northwest Collegiate Ministries (led by Ken Harmon).

    Pray for Minister of Missions & Evangelism Jeremy Scott as he leads Tallowood in partnering with church planting in the Northwest.   Pray that Tallowood will be greatly blessed as they are a blessing to our Northwest churches.

  • Happy Valentine's Day!  Please pray for our church planter's marriages today.  Church planting is hard, passionate, often all-consuming work that can take a toll on even the most in-sync, invested couples.  Pray that they would seek to invest in their spouse, even in the midst of the beautiful messes.  Pray that they would be strengthened and encouraged.

  • Pray for rePlanter Shawn Snyder & Living Hope Church in Medford, Oregon.  Pray for open doors as they reach out to their community.  Pray for the leaders that they are developing through their residency program, that they would learn and be sent out to plant / replant. Pray for mature believers to join their efforts and walk alongside the Snyders.

    Pray for Shawn, Tina, and their kids Aaron, Rileyann, Rachael, and Wayne, as they serve tirelessly and faithfully.

  • Pray for Planter Sahara Chea, and Southeast Asian Ministry (SEAM) in Tacoma, Washington.  SEAM was planted primarily to reach Cambodian refugees in the greater Seattle area.  They are doing so in a large part by outreach to meet practical needs in the community.  Pray that their ministry would be effective in communicating the love of Christ and result in many entering the Kingdom!

    Pray for Sahara's wife, Sima, and their girls Bella and Lyna.

Week of February 5

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Planter Matt Boyd and Sojourn Church in Portland, Oregon.  Sojourn Church is focused on reaching the inner eastside of Portland,  Pray for them as they reach out to an incredibly diverse group of people with the Gospel.  Pray for open doors and opportunities to minister in their communities.  Pray they might shine boldly as a light for Christ in a dark part of the Northwest.

    Pray for Matt's wife Andrea, and their boys Eliot, Liam, and Oliver.

  • Pray for Planter Mike Samuels and Hope in the Grove Church in Cottage Grove, Oregon.  Pray for an openness to the Gospel and boldness to have those conversations.  Pray for the body to be strengthened and bear much fruit.

    Please pray specifically for leaders to be raised up for all areas of leadership, and for the church as a whole as they grow and mature and work towards being a self-sustaining church.

    Pray also for Mike's wife Brooke and their 3 beautiful daughters.

  • Pray for our partners: Texas Baptists (BGCT), who have committed wholeheartedly to connecting and supporting the work of church planting in the Northwest.  Pray for the current partnerships, that they would truly be a blessing to both NW and Texas churches, and for the opportunities for future partnerships.

    Pray for the Texas Church Planting Leadership as they tirelessly serve to see Kingdom growth in Texas and beyond.

    Pray specifically for Tom Howe and Noe Trevino, who are both recuperating from health issues.  Pray for swift healing, patience and rest as they recover.

  • Pray for planter David Ginn and Two Bridges Church in the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle, Washington.  Pray for them as they invest in the people in their community, doing life together.  Pray for opportunities to have Gospel conversations.  Pray they would be a strong influence for Christ in an incredibly liberal neighborhood.

    Pray for David's wife, Jennifer, and their kids Arya and Jameson.

  • Pray for Rob Walker, NWBC  Region 4 Church Planting / Church Health & Evangelism Catalyst.  Pray his time would be fruitful as he meets with pastors and planters across Southern Oregon to encourage, support, and strategize.  Pray for more planters and partners to be drawn to this region, and for many to come to faith in Christ as a result of these efforts. 

    Pray especially for workers along the Oregon Coast, where over half of our churches are either pastorless, in a rePlant status, or both.

    Pray for Rob's wife Kristen as she supports him in this work behind the scenes.

Week of January 29

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for the Northwest pastors & leaders currently traveling to Vancouver BC for a Church Planting Vision Tour today and tomorrow.  Pray for them as they meet and tour with various planters, and seek to discern how they might partner with the church planting work in BC.

    PS If you have interest in finding out more or participating in a future BC Vision Tour, let us know!

  • Pray for Will Forrest & Summit LIFE Church in Issaquah, WA.  Located in the heart of Issaquah, please pray that they will be a light to their community.  

    Pray also for Will's wife, Tiffany, and their awesome kids.

  • Pray for our partners: Pastor Dale Braswell and Wedgwood Baptist Church in Fort Worth, TX.  Dale, a former Seattle area church planter, continues to have a passion for reaching the Northwest, and is partnering with several of our church plants in those efforts.  Pray these partnerships would bear fruit in both the Northwest and in their own church.

    Pray also for Dale's wife Tina, and their two beautiful daughters: Hannah and Kaitlyn.

  • Pray for Natalie Hammond, NWBC Church Planting Administrator.  Today marks 23 years serving in her role under Gary Irby - first with Puget Sound Baptist Association and more recently with NWBC.  Pray for her as she seeks to administratively support the church planting team, as she hosts events and strives to encourage planters and their wives.

    Pray for her husband, Brian, and their children - Josh (16) and Abby (11)

  • Pray for John Peters and Living Water Fellowship of Dallas, Oregon.  Pray that they would be effective in reaching their community with the Good News. Pray for opportunities to speak into the lives of those around them.

    Please pray especially for John as he is facing some significant health issues.

    Pray for John's wife, Cindy, and their grand-daughter Naomi, whom they are raising.  Pray for energy and renewed passion to daily pursue Christ and His Kingdom.

Week of January 22

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Planter Williams Velez and Iglesia Nueva Esperanza in Albany, Oregon.  Pray that he would lead his church to reach their community with the Gospel.  Pray for  Williams and his wife, Elurden, as they labor to see lives changed.

  • Pray for Ankhbayar Jigjid and Eternal Joy Mongolian Church of Seattle. Pray for their efforts to reach the Mongolian population in North Seattle and beyond with the Gospel. Pray for continued growth for those in their church.  

    Please also pray for Ankhbayar's family - wife Badnaa, daughter Yesugen, & son Erkhes.

  • Pray for planter DJ Lowrance of Sola Church in Kennewick, WA. Pray they would be diligent to reach their neighbors with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and that they would find favor in their community.  We praise God for the growth they have seen, and pray for continued growth and maturity. Pray God will raise up strong, faithful leaders to walk alongside DJ and serve the body well.

    Pray for DJ's wife, Candice, and their three daughters: Peyton, Alethea, and Raina.

  • Pray for Muana Khuptong and Zomi Bethel Church in Portland, Oregon as they reach the Zomi ethnic group of people (predominately from Myanmar and India). Pray they would be bold to share the Gospel.

    Pray for Muana's wife, Ziri, and their 3 adorable kids.

  • Pray for planter Ryan Sidhom & River City Church in Vancouver, Washington.

    Pray that God would continue to grant the church influence in the city of Vancouver.  Pray for open doors to serve the felt needs of the community, and that this will give them opportunities to share the Gospel.

    Pray for River City to be fruitful as they work towards multiplication on all levels.

    Pray for Ryan's wife, Clarissa, and their boys Banner and Anchor.

Week of January 15

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Planter Wes Walls and Dwelling Place Church in Seattle, WA.  Dwelling Place Church is located in Magnolia, a lovely quiet neighborhood tucked away just northwest of downtown Seattle.  Pray for Wes and the church as they invest in relationships within the community.   

    Pray also for Wes' wife Adrienne and their two beautiful daughters: Evie (10) and Sophia

  • Pray for Pastor/Planter Daniel Estrada and El Buen Pastor in Beaverton Oregon & their more recently planted campus in Vancouver, Washington.  Pray that God would raise up strong leaders and future planters as they seek to continue multiplying.  Pray for favor among the community, that hearts would be softened and ears would be open to hearing the Gospel.

    Pray also for Daniel's wife Mary, as she serves alongside him in the work of the Kingdom.

  • Please pray for Yalid Fuentes and Highland Baptist Church Español. Pray they would be salt and light to the Hispanic community of Redmond, Oregon and be able to effectively reach the lost with the Good News.

    Pray also for Yalid's wife Melissa, and their two kids Anna Grace and Seth.

  • Pray for Planter Nelson Castro & Point of Encounter in Hillsboro, Oregon. Please pray for continued growth, that God would raise up leaders and future church planters from within, and that he would give Nelson wisdom and guidance to lead the church well.

    Pray for Nelson's wife Elena as she serves alongside him in ministry.

  • Pray for Planter Aaron Carpenter & Soundside Church in Tacoma, WA. Pray God will bless their outreach to their community, and that opportunities would arise to share the Good News.  Pray for their efforts to plant a second campus or church in a nearby neighborhood, that doors would be opened, the right leaders raised up/found, and that all the needs for this new plant would be provided in God's perfect timing.

    Pray also for Aaron's wife, Nichole, and their kids William, Alayna, and Wesley.

Week of January 8

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Planter Carlos Rivera and Thousand Hills Church in Merrill, Oregon.  Pray that God would root and establish them firmly, that He would raise up strong disciples that make disciples. Pray for opportunities for this church to be a light to their community, and for hearts to be open to the Good News.

    Pray also for Carlos' wife Ellie, and their two sons Levi and Judah. 

  • Pray for Mark Ford and Go Church East County in Portland, Oregon. Pray for Mark and his wife Kristy as they are planting this latest location of Go Church, and for the Ridgefield, WA location as they transition away from there.  Pray for God to raise up co-laborers for this work, and for open doors to reach this new community with the Gospel.

    Go Church is part of a larger network, Go Church Family Network (aka Go Net), also led by Mark Ford.  Please lift up their existing church plants: Go Church - Ridgefield WA (Pastor Conner Ford), Go Igelsia (Planter Martin Leyva) and Go Church - PDX (Planter Dustin Payne). 

  • Pray for our Partners!  Pray for Pastor Ross Shelton and Brenham's First Baptist Church in Brenham, TX.  Brenham's FBC has been a significant partner in the planting of Soundside Church in Tacoma (Planter Aaron Carpenter), and continues to desire to help the Gospel be planted in the Pacific Northwest.  Pray for wisdom for Pastor Ross and his leadership as they lead their church to reach their community, that they would be blessed as they are a blessing to so many others.  

    Pray for Ross's wife Lauren, and their children Audrey, Libby, and Garrett.

  • Pray for Daniel Englehart and The Mountain Church in Des Moines, WA.

    Please pray

    • Praises for the new families God has brought to The Mountain, and the leaders that have stepped up
    • for God to bring/raise up evangelistic people who have a heart to share the Gospel with their city
    • for wisdom and discernment to lead well
    • for the development of strong leaders who can in turn produce other leaders
    • for continued growth and enough space to be able to continue growing

    Please also be praying for Daniel's wife, Stephanie, and their three adorable girls: Addisyn, Avery and Ana.

  • Pray for our team!

    Please pray for Phil Peters.  Phil is our "utility player" catalyst....while he is assigned specifically to help with the work in Regions 2 and 3, he is also assisting with works in Regions 1 and 5!  Pray for him as he travels throughout the Northwest, meeting with planters and pastors to coach and encourage them.  Pray for his wife, Elaine, his grown children Tim, Beth, Becky and their families.

Week of January 1

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for 2024 to be an unprecedented year of churches planted and lives changed.  Pray for our current plants to thrive, and for new plants to be birthed.  Pray that God would move in a mighty way across the Northwest and that many will turn to Him.

    The Lord bless you

        and keep you;

    the Lord make his face shine on you

        and be gracious to you;

    the Lord turn his face toward you

        and give you peace.

    Numbers 6:24-26

    Happy New Year!

  • Pray for Planter Sam Mhlanga and Bread of Life International Fellowship in Kent, Washington.  Pray for their congregation as they minister in their community, especially to African immigrants (Sam and his wife, Judith, are originally from Zimbabwe).  Pray for open doors as they share the Gospel with those they encounter.  Pray for the second plant they are starting in Tacoma area, that they would have favor with the people and their hard work would bear much fruit.

    Pray also for Sam's wife Judith, and their children Blessing, Shalom, Prosper, Emmanuel, and Joseph.

  • Pray for Planter Jonah Easley & Awakening Church in Kirkland, WA.  Pray for them as they reach out to their community with the Good News.  Pray for the fruit of changed lives.  Pray that members would grow in both their personal lives and also their boldness in witnessing to friends, coworkers, and neighbors.  Pray God's blessing over Awakening, Pastor Jonah, his wife Katherine, and their three kids:  Evan, Adele, and Elijah.

  • Pray for Living Hope Church and rePlanter Shawn Snyder in Medford, Oregon.  Living Hope Church was replanted in 2016, and has since planted a second campus in Ashland with planter Jordin Crow.  Living Hope has a robust intern program that is investing in future church planters and church leaders.

    Pray for Shawn's wife Tina as she ministers alongside her husband, and for their kids Aaron, Rileyann, Rachael, and Wayne.

  • Pray for Planter Raoul Crisologo and Marysville Christian Fellowship.  Raoul and his wife, Belinda, are seasoned church planters.  They moved to Washington last summer to plant one of (hopefully) many new Filipino works along the north I-5 corridor, in conjunction with partner church Mt Vernon Christian Fellowship (led by Planter/Pastor Cesar Muego).  Marysville Christian Fellowship launched in January 2023.  Pray that God would continue use the Crisologos and Marysville Christian Fellowship to reach their community for Christ.  

Week of December 25

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Merry Christmas!  Thank you to all our prayer partners across the globe.  Praying you have a blessed holiday as you celebrate the Savior's birth!

    For to us a child is born,

        to us a Son is given;

    and the government shall be upon His shoulder,

        and His name shall be called

    Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,

        Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

    Isaiah 9:6

  • Happy Boxing Day!

    Please pray for our partners and planters in Vancouver BC..  Please pray for God to bring new planters and partners to serve in the Greater Vancouver area, and for strength and encouragement for those already planting.

  • Pray for Ricardo Barber & One H.O.P.E. Church in Portland, OR.  Pray for their outreach ministry Urban Wings Aviation and Aerospace Leadership Club.  Pray that God would continue to open doors for Gospel conversations, and that many hearts would be changed.  Pray for Ricardo and his leadership, that they might be unified and strengthened as they lead and serve the body.

    Please also pray for Ricardo's wife Menya, and their kids Taylor, Hope, Faith, and Tytus.

  • Pray for our Partners: Richard McKay, Lead Missions Pastor at Fielder Church in Arlington, Texas.  Pray also for Lead Pastor Jason Parades, Executive Pastors Jim Parks and Jared Yates, and all of the staff at Fielder as they strive to glorify God through all they do.  We are so grateful for the long-standing partnership of Fielder with the Northwest, and their vision to see God at work across the nation and around the world.  Pray that they would continue to listen to God's leading and follow hard after Him in all they do.

    Pray also for Richard's wife Glyn, and their 3 adorable children.

  • Pray for Pastor/Planter Freddy Joklur Jr. and Airway Heights Marshallese Church in Airway Heights, WA.  Pastor Freddy actually is pastoring Valleypoint Marshallese Church, while planting in Airway Heights and also serving as the English worship pastor at Valleypoint Church.  Pray that God will bless and multiply his time and resources, so he can effectively minister and not become weary.  Pray for God to raise up and strengthen leaders to work alongside him with both congregations.  Pray that they would be able to connect with many of the Marshallese people and for open doors to share the Gospel.

Week of December 18

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Please pray for Joosung Kim and Love Tree Church in Issaquah, WA.  Pray they would have many opportunities to reach those in their community with the Gospel.  Pray for open hearts and eyes to see where God is moving.

    Pray also for Joosung's wife Ellen and their four children as they minister alongside Pastor Kim.

  • Pray for Planter Jonathan Lee and Connections Church in Federal Way, WA.  Connections Church is working to reach the multi-cultural population (over 100 languages are spoken at home in the community) with the Good News.  Pray for strong leaders to be raised up from within and without to walk along side Jonathan and his wife Jessica as they labor in love over reaching the lost, caring for the body, and connecting in the community.  Pray also for their boys, Micah, Timothy, and Josiah.

  • Pray for Planter Fayze Hanna and Vancouver Arabic Healing Church in Vancouver, WA. Fayze and his wife, Eman El Said, originally from Egypt, are reaching Arab speakers in the Vancouver/Portland area. Pray for them, their children, and their church as they seek to minister to families, meeting both tangible and spiritual needs. Pray for open hearts to the Gospel. Pray for growth and unity among their members. Pray that they might be a catalyst for other Arabic churches to be planted in the Northwest.

  • Pray for Planter Rich Hutchins and Stilly Valley Church with campuses in Stanwood and Arlington, WA. Please pray for strength and encouragement as they minister in their communities, that the work they are doing will lead to Gospel conversations and changed hearts.

    Please pray for God to raise up leaders to serve alongside Rich and his family. Pray for Rich as he works bi-vocationally, that he would manage his time effectively.

    Pray for his wife Jill, as she labors alongside him, as well as for their children: Clara, Natalee, Trey, Uriah, and Sadie.

  • Pray for Ryan Paterson and A Church Family Network (CFN).  CFN is a multiplying network of churches in Vancouver/Portland and beyond.  Pray for their non-profit, Family Rhythms, working with over 120 young families in Vancouver. Pray for them to be successful in multiplying churches, cohorts and gospel teams.  Ryan is a co-vocational planter, so pray for opportunities for him to bring the Gospel to the workplace as well as to his community.

    Pray for Ryan's family - wife Rebecca, and kids Ashlyn, Caleb, Eli, Addy and Cora.

Week of December 11

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Planter Steven (Yu) Sun and Living Water Chinese Baptist Church in Federal Way, WA.  Pray for Pastor Sun and his leadership as they reach Mandarin speakers in the region.  Pray the church would grow strong and that many would come to saving faith.

    Pray also for Steven's wife, Li Lin, and their children Charity & Joseph.

  • Pray for Chul Hong Kim and Grace Korean Baptist Church in Springfield, Oregon.  Pray for Pastor Kim and his wife Ouny as they seek to reach first and second generation Koreans in the Springfield area and on the college campus with the Gospel.  

  • Please pray for catalytic Planter Jimmy Cruz as he plants Hispanic churches in Pasco, Yakima, and Pullman, WA.  Pray for him as he develops leaders and as they reach out to their communities with the Gospel.  Ask the Lord for open hearts and that Jimmy would be wise with his time and energy. Pray for the Hispanic Biblical Institute in Pasco, that it would flourish and produce strong, godly leaders for future church plants.  Praise God for all he is doing in Eastern Washington!

    Pray also for Jimmy's wife, Marie, and his sons Jose & Roger.

  • Pray for Planter Ivan Shepel and Bellevue Bible Church in Bellevue, Washington as they labor to reach Slavic people on the Eastside.  Pray Bellevue Bible would have favor and influence as they minister to their neighborhoods.  Pray hearts would be open to the Gospel, and that many would accept Jesus.  Pray for wisdom for Pastor Shepel and his leadership as they minister to the Slavic people in the NW during this continued time of war in their home countries.

    Pray also for Ivan's wife, Galina and their grown children.

  • Pray for Planter Roy Swihart & Cowboy Church Bow, in Bow, WA.  Pray for continued favor in their community and beyond as they minister to those in need, as well as sharing the Good News of the Gospel.

    Pray for Roy's wife Amy and their children as they work tirelessly to serve and grow His Kingdom!

Week of December 4

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Planter James Maze and Cowboy Church of Darrington.  James is planting the church in Darrington, and also pastors an established church in Everett (Silver Lake Baptist Church).  Pray for him and his wife Linda as they navigate all the challenges that come from an unconventional church plant.  Pray they would continue to have open doors to the horse and rodeo communities as they work, live, and share the Gospel among them.  Pray for strong partners to walk alongside them as they plant, to provide resources and encouragement.

  • Pray for planter Donghyeok Kim and First Love Church of Seattle in Issaquah, Washington.  Pray for Pastor Kim as he strives to share the Gospel with the Korean population on the Eastside.  Pray for his wife Sunmi, his daughter Youri  and son Eunyou as they work alongside Pastor Kim to reach the Koreans on the Eastside.

  • Pray for Planter Dustin Payne and Go Church PDX, being planted in Portland, Oregon.  Pray for Dustin, his wife Dawn, and their kids Lyra, Auron, and Senai as they develop small groups across the city that will then be gathered into a larger weekly gathering.  Pray specifically that God would draw leaders to the area and to this new plant to join the Payne's in planting Go Church PDX.  Pray for patience and endurance as planting in the Northwest is a slow, slow process.  Pray even now that God would bring into Dustin's path those with hearts sensitive to the Gospel, and that he would have boldness to share the truth in love, resulting in changed lives!

  • Pray for catalytic planter Boris Alfaro and Comunidad Cristiana Renuevo in Salem, Oregon. Boris has been planting for many years now, and has seen multiple campuses birthed over the years.  He is active beyond his own work in assisting to recruit and train new Hispanic planters throughout Oregon, as well as serving as a catalyst with NAMB.

    Pray for Boris' lovely wife, Teresa, especially as she serves as an Elementary School Principal in Salem.

  • Pray for Patrick Mugwanja and Christ Redeemed Church in Tacoma, Washington.  Pray for Patrick as he works bi-vocationally to support his family and plant the church to reach Swahili speakers in the Northwest.  Pray for his wife Eunice, and their three children Dennis, Lincoln, and Margaret.  Pray they would have many opportunities to share the Good News, and that their church will grow as people come to faith in Jesus Christ.

Week of November 27

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for planter Jacob Dahl and Resonate UW! Jacob is planting on campus at University of Washington, as well as laying the groundwork for a secondary off-site plant.  Pray for the Resonate UW team as 2023 comes to a close.  Pray that many of the relationships developed throughout the fall would bear much fruit in the coming year.  Pray for encouragement to stay the course in an ever-changing landscape of students coming and going. 

    Pray also for Jacob's wife Jessica, and their two adorable kids Hudson & Valerie.

  • Happy Giving Tuesday!  Pray for new partners for our church plants.  Pray that many would give sacrificially to support the missionary work in the Pacific Northwest.

    If you're looking for a practical way to get involved in Giving Tuesday, why not consider a donation to a church plant?  Or you can give to our network overall here.  Tangible ways to support our planters could be a card of encouragement, gift cards for date nights, or if you're local, offers to watch the kids or provide a meal! Thanks for praying, and for being a blessing!

  • Pray for Planter John Schmidt and Resilient Hope Fellowship in McMinnville, Oregon. Pray that the many opportunities that John has to minister in the community - including starting a furniture bank for needy families - might result in many hearts turning to Christ.  Pray for the new believers and seekers in Resilient Hope Fellowship, that they might grow and mature into reproducing disciples.

    Pray for John's wife, Kim, as she faithfully serves alongside her husband in the work of the Kingdom.

  • Pray for Planter Frank Wood and Twin Rivers Community Church in Crooked River Ranch, Oregon.  Praise God for the growth they have experienced over the past year, and pray for provision for even more space to be added to their year-old building!

    Pray for wisdom for Frank and his leadership as they lead the body to reach their neighbors with the Good News.  Pray also for Frank's wife, Vicky.

  • Pray for lead planter Adam Bonus and co-planter Dan Baber as they work to plant Grace Church in Pasco, WA.  Pray for receptivity to the Gospel, and for boldness to proclaim it.  Pray they would inspire their people to live lives on mission for Christ.

    Pray for Adam's wife Kim and their kids Emily, Nathan, and Abby (pictured), as well as Dan's wife Kara and their kids Hudson, Ezra, Isaac, and Adalyah.  

    Want to play a part?  (1) Join the prayer team at www.gracetri.org/pray, or (2) give financially at www.gracetri.org/give.

Week of November 20

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for rePlanters Russell & Rachel Schieck, as they prepare to begin the work at First Baptist Church in Toledo, Oregon.  Pray for Pastor Bobby Blake as he wraps up his interim at the church, and pray that the soil might be prepared for the replant to happen in the new year.  Pray for the Christmas outreach taking place, that relationships might be forged with the community, and that there would be a positive response.  Pray for the Schiecks as they follow the Lord's leading and timing in this new work.

  • Praise God for the many new church plants being started on the farms around Lynden, Washington.  Pray for catalyst Ivan Montenegro as he oversees these plants, and for the Hispanic Pastors that have been raised up and trained for the work.  Praise God for the favor He has given their work with influential men in the area.  Pray God would continue to move in and through these workers to grow His kingdom exponentially.

  • In this week of thankfulness, we are so thankful for the amazing men, women, and children that have planted their lives in the Northwest to be a light to the darkness.  Planting a church is exhausting, often lonely and discouraging work, and we praise God for the selflessness of these families as they have set aside their own comfort to shine the light of Christ to a dark and dying world.  Father, encourage and refresh our planters, remind them that You have called them and You will use them for Your Kingdom and Glory!

  • Praises to Jehovah Jireh, our provider, for His bountiful blessings!  Praises for the churches started, and for the lives changed.  Praises for the many ways He provides for His people.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • We are SO THANKFUL for all of our church planting partners! From church partners to individuals, to partners with our planting network, we could not be nearly as effective in the work of planting the Gospel in the Northwest without your prayers, mission involvement, financial support, and advocacy.  Praise be to God for our amazing partners!  May His blessings return ten-fold upon you!

Week of November 13

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for the Northwest Baptist Convention Annual Meeting, today through Wednesday at Great Wolf Lodge (Grand Mound, WA).  Pray that valuable connections will be made, that relationships would be deepened, that planters/pastors and their families would be encouraged, and that God would be glorified throughout all of it!

    Pray for Executive Director Randy Adams and the NWBC staff as they serve both on stage and behind the scenes to ensure everything runs smoothly.

  • Pray for the amazing NWBC Administrative Team, led these past 5+ by Kristen Johnson, for all their behind-the-scenes work to make the Annual Convention run smoothly, as well as all their tireless labor for the pastors and churches of our convention.


    Pray specifically for Kristen, as she and her husband prepare to move to Tennessee in few weeks, and as she trains her replacement.  Kristen, thank you so much for your years of hard work and faithful service.  You will be greatly missed!!

    Pray for Heather Malm, who is stepping into the Executive Assistant role, and for the other team members -  Denise Harvey, Tina Lawson, and Madison Caddy - as they all adjust with the transition.  We are so thankful for all you ladies!!

    (Pictured: Heather Malm, Kristen Johnson, Denise Harvey)

  • Pray for Executive Director Randy Adams, as he wraps up NWBC's Annual Meeting and continues to lead our convention in the days ahead. Pray for wisdom and discernment, as well as renewed passion and vision for the future. as he leads our Convention team in serving the churches of the Northwest. Randy is a strong advocate for church planting. He has been in hundreds of the NWBC's over 500 churches. Under Randy's leadership, the Northwest Baptist Convention is the strongest that it has ever been.

    Pray for Randy's wife, Paula, as she ministers alongside her husband to the pastors' wives and in various other ministries.

  • Pray for our ministry partners in Vancouver, British Columbia. Pray for SEND City Missionary Peter Blackaby, Church Planting Catalyst Paul Wicki, and CP Admin Michal Ann Buntain.  Pray God will raise up planters for this challenging area, and pray for encouragement and strength for the planters currently on the field. Pray also for CNBC Regional Director Director Hamish Buntain.

    Interested in partnering with the church planting work in BC? Join us Jan 29-30, 2024 on a Vision Tour to see how you can be involved!

      More information and registration

  • Praise God for the 20 new churches planted in the last year (Nov 2022 - Nov 2023)!  Pray these new works would develop strong roots and be salt and light in their communities.  Praise God for our strong multiplying churches who are actively sending out new planters into the harvest.  Pray for the Lord to continue to raise up more workers for the harvest (Matthew 9:38 / Luke 10:2).

Week of November 6

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Planter Patrick Grant and Woodstock Community Church in SE Portland, Oregon.  Pray they would be effective in reaching their community with the Good News.  Pray for encouragement as they labor in the hard soil, that at the right time they will see a harvest!

    Pray for Patrick's wife Jennifer, and their kids Riley, Kyler, Jacob, Michael, and Taegan.

  • Pray for our Partners: Columbia Basin Baptist Association (CBBA) and Moderator Rick Weiss.  Pray for their Annual Meeting, taking place tonight, that they would be strengthened and encouraged through this time together.  Pray the churches of this association would be emboldened to be a witness of God's grace and love to the communities around them.  Pray for strength, joy, and renewed passion for CBBA's pastors, that they might run the race well.

    Pray also for Admin extraordinaire, Tina Hammack, as she serves the CBBA churches so joyfully and faithfully.

  • Pray for Planter Jordin Crow, who is planting a campus of Living Hope Church in Ashland, Oregon.  Pray for favor as he ministers on campus at Southern Oregon University.

    Pray also for Jordin's new bride, Renee, as they grow in their marriage and ministry.

  • Pray for Planter Oscar Cruzado and Iglesia Cristiana Cristo Vive in Edmonds, Washington.  Pray for Oscar and his wife Gladys as they minister to the Hispanic population of North Seattle.  Pray for encouragement and refreshing as they serve tirelessly to see the lost come to faith.  Pray that their efforts to raise up leaders to multiply would bear much fruit.

  • Photo by Cristina Glebova on Unsplash.com

    Happy Veteran's Day! Pray in thanksgiving for the men and women who have served our country, and for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.  Pray for the many veterans who serve in our church plants.  Pray for more churches to be planted with a focus of reaching military and veterans with the Gospel.  

Week of October 30

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for our partners: Pastor Greg Pickering and Brazos Pointe Fellowship in Lake Jackson, TX. They have been long-time partners with the Northwest, supporting through resources, prayer, soul care, and even sending of planters!  Please pray for Pastor Greg and his leadership, that they would lead their body with Godly wisdom.  Pray for Brazos Pointe Fellowship, that they might receive back blessings ten fold for their generous spirit of partnership with planting in the Northwest. 

    Pray specifically for Greg as he leads a SEND Seattle Vision Tour this week.  Pray the potential partners joining him would catch a vision for how they can partner with the planting efforts in the Northwest.

  • Photo by Jason Jarrach on Unsplash.com

    Pray for our church plants and churches as they reach out to their communities through Halloween/Harvest festivals, etc.  Pray for many Gospel conversations to happen in the Northwest tonight!

  • Pray for the Multipliers Cohort taking place in Pullman, WA today and tomorrow.  This is a gathering of planters/pastors who are actively engaged in multiplication, as well as those eager to learn and begin doing it themselves.  Pray for Pastor Keith Wieser (Resonate) and his team as they share their multiplication strategy, and for the conversations that will flow out of that.  Pray for more pastors and planters to catch the vision of thinking beyond addition to multiplication.

    "Multiply in everything - disciples, leaders, small groups, churches, partners, and even networks."

     - Gary Irby, NWBC Church Planting Director

  • Pray for Planter Noe Flores and Iglesia Bautista Trinidad in Springfield, Oregon.  Pray they would have great success in sharing the Gospel among the Hispanics in their community, and that many would be added to their number.  

    Pray also for Noe's wife Yolanda, and their daughter Noely.

  • Pray for Planter Dave Elliff & Roots Community Church in the Roosevelt & Ravenna neighborhoods of Seattle, WA.  Pray for Dave and his team as they seek to be a beacon of light in what is a challenging city full of hopelessness and darkness.  

    Pray for Dave's amazing wife, Mary, and their six adorable littles: Caroline, Caleb, Elijah, Emily, Kate, and baby Annie!

Week of October 23

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for our Partners: Willamette Valley Baptist Association (WVBA) in Oregon, and Moderator Boris Alfaro.  Pray for their Annual Meeting, being held tonight.  Pray also for Ministry Assistant Patti Ford as she serves the churches in this association.

    Pray for wisdom and unity as these leaders gather to celebrate what God has done and envision what He might have in store in the year to come.  Pray the pastors would be encouraged and renewed through this time of fellowship, and that the churches of WVBA would be strengthened to reach out to their towns and cities with the Gospel.

  • Pray for Planter/Pastor Joel Kim and Portland Vision Church.  Pastor Kim planted Rejoice Church in Beaverton, and in 2022 joyfully completed a merger with First Baptist Korean.  Pray for this integrated church, that they might be united fully under one vision to see the Lost found in Christ.  Pray for Pastor Kim, his wife Joy, and the church leadership as they labor fervently for the King and Kingdom.

  • Photo by Tomáš Malík on https://unsplash.com

    Pray for the fledgling work being started among a large group of Hmong people near Yreka, CA (NWBC Region 4).  Pray for Pastor Nou as he begins to plant a church, for favor in the community and for leaders to be raised up to assist in the work.

  • Pray for rePlanter Jeff Dankenbring and Freedom Hill Baptist Church in Sweet Home, Oregon. Jeff and his wife, Simone, are working to lead their plant to be a light in their community, a hope for the lost and hurting. Pray for them as they work to build relational bridges to the community while at the same time deepening partnership among other churches. 

  • Pray for our ministry partners in Vancouver, British Columbia. Pray for SEND City Missionary Peter Blackaby, Church Planting Catalyst Paul Wicki, and CP Admin Michal Ann Buntain.  Pray God will raise up planters for this challenging area, and pray for encouragement and strength for the planters currently on the field.

    Pray also for the WestCoast Baptist Association, led by Regional Director Hamish Buntain, as they meet for their annual meeting tonight.  Pray for a time of encouragement and thanksgiving for what God has done, and renewed fervor for the work yet to be done.

    Interested in partnering with the church planting work in BC? Join us Jan 29-30, 2024 on a Vision Tour to see how you can be involved! Contact Natalie Hammond for more information.

Week of October 16

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Planter Cesar Muego and Mt. Vernon Christian Fellowship in Mt. Vernon, Washington.  Cesar, in addition to planting, has been active in leading the Filipino Network to plant churches throughout the Northwest.

    Pray for the church body, for continued growth and passion for reaching the lost in their community.  Pray for leaders to be developed and deployed to plant new Filipino works in the region and beyond.

    Pray for Cesar's family - wife Reyma and children Nathan and Eliana, as they serve alongside him. 

  • Pray for Planter Joshua (Nghia) Nguyen and Light of God Vietnamese Church in Longview, Washington. Pray this young church would be effective in reaching the Vietnamese community around them with the Gospel.

    Pray for Joshua's wife Van Nguyen, as she serves alongside him in ministry.

  • Pray for our Partners: Inland Empire Baptist Association (IEBA) in NE Washington / N Idaho, and Director Dan Brandel.  Dan and IEBA have been strategic partners, and key in identifying areas where church plants are needed.  They have been working tirelessly to prepare the soil and seek workers for the harvest, especially for the Post Falls and Coeur d'Alene areas.  Praise God for these faithful servants of the Lord!  Pray also for Dan's wife, Connie, who serves as Administrator for IEBA

    Pray for IEBA's Annual Meeting, taking place tomorrow night (Thurs, Oct 19).  Pray it is a joy-filled time of reporting on what God has done and anticipating what He is going to do in the days to come.  Pray for deeper relationships among the pastors, and a strengthening of their churches.

  • Pray for NWBC Church Planting Administrator Natalie Hammond.  Please pray for her as she seeks to support, resource, and encourage her planters as they do the hard work of planting the Gospel.

    Happy birthday Natalie!

    Pray also for Natalie's family - husband Brian, and kids Josh and Abby.

  • Pray for our Partners: Mt Baker Baptist Association (MBBA) in Northwest Washington, and Director Jerry Lanford.  Pray for their upcoming Annual Meeting on Sat, Oct 21st.  Pray encouragement and renewed fervor for these churches and pastors - many coming from small, rural areas that are filled with people struggling to make ends meet.  Pray they can be a light and a blessing to their communities, that the Gospel might shine forth in challenging times.  Pray they will stay the course and fight the good fight, knowing that the work done in the Lord is not in vain. 

    Pray also for Moderator Patrick Towell and Ministry Assistant Janice Lanford.

Week of October 9

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Haggai Habila and Living Spring Fellowship.  Haggai and Mary, along with their 3 kids - Magdiel, Haziel, and Michelle, planted their first campus over 10 years ago in Des Moines, WA.  Not too long after that, a call came that resulted in them starting a second campus in Lynnwood, WA.  After a move a couple years ago, they began work on a third campus in Puyallup, WA.  Originally from Nigeria, the Habilas serve tirelessly to reach the lost in their communities with the Gospel of Christ.

    Pray for strength and energy, as Haggai also serves as a hospital chaplain and Mary serves as a school psychologist in Federal Way.  Pray God would bless their efforts and that many would come to know His saving grace!

  • Pray for Planter Jeremy Cook & Pioneer Church in Corvallis, Oregon.   Please pray that they would continue to grow in diversity - in both age and ethnicity - and that they might continue to see more and more lives transformed by the power of Jesus.

    Pray for Jeremy's wife Brooke, and their kids Berakah, Beraiah, Judah, JJ, Benjamin, Cedar, and baby Isaac.!  

  • Pray for Planter Timothy Moore & Impact Multiplied in Mt. Vernon, WA.  Impact X is a church multiplication movement primarily based in Skagit County that includes micro churches, conventional churches (such as Christ the King in Burlington), and Maximum Impact Training (MIT) for ministry leaders.

    Pray for the ministry to continue to raise up leaders to send out.  Pray for wisdom as they continue to multiply.  

    Pray for Timothy and Melissa as they pour themselves out for the sake of the Kingdom.  Pray that as they return from a time of sabbatical they would re-engage the work with a fresh vision and passion.

  • Pray for our partners: Northwest Baptist Network (formerly Siskiyou & SW Oregon Baptist Associations), Moderator Bob Farmer, and clerk Nancy Goss.  Pray for their Annual Meeting, taking place this Saturday, that this time together would be marked by rejoicing, encouragement, and a challenge to continue in the work of the Kingdom.  Pray for refreshing and renewal for the pastors of this association.  Pray they may lead their churches to maturity in Christ and with boldness proclaim the Gospel to their communities. 

  • Pray for our partners: Olympic Baptist Association, led by Moderator Michael Koontz.  Pray for their upcoming Annual Meeting this Saturday, Oct 14th.  Pray that it will be a time of unity and celebration.  Pray also for admin Rochall Kehm, as she ministers to the churches in this association.  Pray for the pastors of these churches, that they would be strengthened and encouraged as they lead their churches.  Pray these churches would grow in grace and truth as they reach their surrounding neighborhoods with the Gospel.

Week of October 2

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Pastor Nhut Nguyen and Vietnamese Heart 2 Heart Church (Vancouver, WA).  Pray they would grow in Christ and continue to multiply.  Pray for Pastor Nguyen as he leads the People of God Biblical Institute, developing, training, and deploying hundreds of leaders around the world, resulting in new church plants.  Pray for him and his network of leaders as they invest in these National and global leaders, and for the new churches being started. Pray they would be fruitful and reach multiple generations of the Vietnamese community with the Gospel.

    Pray for Pastor Nguyen's wife, Trang Vo, and their children as they minister as well.

  • Praying for our Partners:  Pray for the Puget Sound Baptist Association (PSBA) and Executive Director Ron Shepard.  Pray for them as they gather this afternoon and evening for their annual Leadership Conference and Annual Meeting.  Pray for wisdom and guidance for Ron as he leads the association, and for the Executive Board Council and other leaders that serve alongside him in various volunteer roles.  Pray also for the awesome support team - Office Manager Tim Shepard, and bookkeeper Karen Davidian.

  • Pray for Eric Diaz and Abide Church in Pasco, WA. Eric is planting the church with his brother, Professor Adam Diaz. Abide Church is closely tied with Columbia Basin College and is reaching students and young singles and families in the Tri-Cities area. Pray they would be bold in sharing the Gospel, and that many would respond to the Good News. 

    Pray specifically:

    • that their access to the college campus would continue to grow
    • for the students hearing the Gospel message, that they will have open hearts to understand and be saved
    • for God to continue to raise up leaders from within the church both to lead within Abide and to plant additional churches
  • Pray for David (Sung) Lee & Erica (Myungok) as they plant Puyallup Korean Baptist Church in Puyallup, Washington.  Pray God would infuse their body with a passion to share the Gospel with the lost, and that hearts would be open to hearing the truth about Jesus.  Pray for their children, John , Amy , and Daniel as they grow and labor alongside their parents on behalf of the Kingdom.

  • Pray for our partners: Gateway Seminary - Pacific NW Campus, led by Director Mark Bradley.  Gateway Seminary has trained hundreds of Northwest Pastors and Planters over the years.  Pray for Director Bradley and his team as they teach and invest in our current and future leaders.

Week of September 25

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

  • Pray for Planter Dung Nguyen and Dream Baptist Church in Portland, Oregon.  Pray for Pastor Nguyen and his church as they reach out to the Vietnamese in their region.  Pray that they would encounter many opportunities to witness and have boldness to share the Gospel.  Pray that God would add to their number many new believers.

    Pray also for Pastor Nguyen's family - his wife, Phuong, and two kids: Duyen and Duong.

  • Pray for Miguel Mejia as he plants Iglesia Biblica Internacional in Lebanon, Oregon.  Pray for him and his wife Alba Aquino as they reach out to the Hispanic community around them with the Good News of the Gospel.  Pray for opportunities to engage in people's lives and to share Christ. 

    Praise God for the precious gift of life!  Praise for baby Ian, who was born in May of this year.

  • Pray for Tyler Clark and Table of Hope Church in Puyallup, Washington.  Pray for open doors to reach their community with the Gospel.  Pray for the body to grow in their faith and step out boldly to serve the Lord.

    Pray for Tyler and Tracia as they raise their four great kids: Amy-Lynn, Katie, Josiah, and Emmy.  

  • Pray for Planter Alonso Manzano and Iglesia Fuente de Vida.  Pray for Pastor Alonso and his family as they seek to reach the Hispanic population in Longview, Washington with the Gospel.  Pray for open hearts and a boldness to share.

    Pray also for Alonso's wife Leydi, and their two beautiful daughters.

  • Pray for our team!

    Please pray for Region 3 (Portland/Vancouver) Church Planting Catalyst Wes Hughes. Wes is a gifted encourager and connector/collaborator, with a passion for soul care. Pray for him as he strives to encourage his planters and their families, as well as striving to discover new planters and partners.

    Pray for his wife Charlean, and their grown kids Abby, Zac, & Cody.

    Pray especially for a swift recovery for Wes following knee surgery.

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